Lila snarls and groans as her cunt continues to ripple with every stroke. Her orgasm will continue until I pull out. She reaches back with an arm and pulls me closer. I lean over her, and she turns her head and bites my neck, her large teeth marking me as they sink in. My cock pulses, and I fill her with another load of cum.
I groan and roll my hips, both of us snarling and panting like animals. Eventually, I pull out and watch as cum drips out of her cunt. I push it back in with one of my fat fingers. Lila’s voice is husky as she groans again before I roll her onto her side and spoon her, slipping my still hard cock back inside so I can keep my cum in her. I stroke her fur.
For a brief time after copulation, the aphrodisiac qualities recede—I guess it’s so we don’t fuck to death—and I’m able to hold my mate in my arms. I can’t believe we mated.
“Are you okay?” I ask her, and she turns her head so she can look me in the eye.
“We mated. Were you expecting that?” she asks, not sounding upset, just curious.
I shake my head. “No, it’s been so long since we had females, I think the fact that it was possible faded from our everyday knowledge. I also never bit any of the men I fucked in the past, nor do I remember any males mating.”
She turns her head back and snuggles into me. My cock pulses, and she shivers, but we don’t move or talk. We just enjoy our new bond, the reciprocal feelings on a constant loop between us.
I’ve locked down one more mate when we emerge two hours later. It was a surprise, but not a bad one. I’m really happy. I can feel him inside my chest, and he is a genuinely good, happy soul.
I am a very happy Lila, and so is my mimic. She practically preens with smug pride and keeps trying to get me to change forms. It doesn’t matter which one, she just wants me to make use of the power. We’re running late for the auditions, though, so it will have to wait, but it’s not like they can start without us, and it was for a good cause.
Ghosie and I settle in seating a few rows back, giving us an excellent view of the stage. He has a tablet sitting in front of him.
“Okay, the first act is an animal act. We still haven’t received confirmation on whether or not the Aquilians or Vilaxians are returning, correct?” he confirms.
I shake my head. “No, Nik is going to call his mother this evening to ask. They keep refusing to answer any of my calls. Saxon and I will speak to his aunt when we stop in Vilax on the way to Earth. Saxon is still willing to perform, but without any others, it will be a fairly short act.”
“I will happily join him for that act if the Vilaxians don’t come through for you. It’s not like it’s much different from mine,” a voice in the wings calls, and I stand up and squeal.
“Mags!” I hold my arms out for my friend, and she rushes to hug me, a huge smile on her face.
“Ugh, I missed you.” She tips my neck to the side as she pulls away and whistles. “I need to hear about all the things.” She turns her gaze to Ghosie then leans in and whispers, “And I want to hear all about that delightful hunk of man meat and where he came from. Does he have a friend?”
I frown, thinking about the last time I’d spoken to her. Was that before he kidnapped me? Fuck, I am a bad friend.
“Well, I want to hear about everything you’ve been up to while I’ve been preoccupied. I heard a rumor that none of the Vilaxians are returning to the show.” I cock a questioning eyebrow, and she glares at me.
“We will not be talking about bloodsucking or scaled assholes.”
I give her another squeeze and change the subject for now. “Okay, so how did you know we were here?” I ask as we take a seat. I ensure she is on the other side of me so she doesn’t accidentally brush against Ghosie. I don’t want to cut my friend when she starts rubbing up on my bear. I make introductions, and they wave to one another.
“We’ve already met,” she tells me. “When I got the recall notice, I called the ship to see if there was anything I could do to help. It’s not like I have anything else going on,” she mutters bitterly. “And X put me in contact with G here. He suggested I help you with auditions and said that you could probably use some company of the female variety.”
“God, yes.” I quickly kiss the bear next to me. If I only brush my lips across his, I get a warm, tingly feeling, but no desire to jump him like a horny dog. “Thank you. I’ve had Tirrian’s sister, Tallon, the last few days, but I’m always happy to see you.”
“What about me, bitch? Or am I that easy to replace?” another voice calls behind us.
Frowning, I stand up and peer into the darkness. That can’t be who I think it is. As they emerge from the shadows, my stomach flips with joy.
“I’m pretty sure you’re irreplaceable,” I reply and scramble over the seats, not waiting for Susie to get to me. I hug my friend, her corkscrew curls tickling my face as tears stream down my cheeks. “I missed you.”
She holds me tightly. “I missed you too, but we have a long trip back to Earth, so we have plenty of time to catch up, and I can play with all the babies. I can’t believe you’re a mother two more times.” She pulls back and looks over the length of me. “How do you keep that figure?” She winks, and we dissolve into giggles as I lead her back to sit with us.
“It helps when one of my husbands did the heavy lifting this time,” I reply, and she and Magenta wave to one another. I’m so glad my girls get along. I know they haven’t had a lot of interaction, and we still haven’t had our girls’ night out. I’m going to try to rectify that as soon as possible. I’m just sad that Nixie isn’t here, but she turned out to be different than the person I thought she was anyway.
“Ghosie, this is my sister from another mister, Susie. She and her fiancé have recently made the transition to alien as well.” I gloss over their story, sure we can get into it later.
“Hey, G,” Susie calls, and the two of them exchange an air fist bump like they are the best of friends already.