“Maybe we could pretend we aren’t here,” she whispered.

Saint laughed. “I’m sure they saw our car, so that won’t work. Besides, they have our dinner.” He brushed a kiss across her lips. “Just remember, from this day forward we have the rest of our lives.”

She smiled at him. “Yes, we’ll have the rest of our lives.”

Vaughn and Sierra joined them for dinner. After they finished eating, champagne glasses were filled. Holding up his, Vaughn said, “Congratulations to Zara and Saint. I am truly happy for you two. Saint, you did something that I was beginning to worry was impossible. You captured my sister’s heart.”

“Yes, he did,” Zara said, wrapping her arms around Saint and leaning into him.

“And she captured mine,” he said, smiling down at her.

“I knew the two of you were meant to be together,” Sierra said, grinning. “I knew you would not be leaving Catalina Cove without a ring on your finger, Zara. And, Saint, you did not disappoint. Wow. It is radiantly dazzling.”

More champagne was poured, and additional toasts were made to the engaged couple. Saint would tell his parents their good news tomorrow. Once they got over their shock, he knew they would be happy for them.

Before leaving for New York, he’d visited them for what he hoped was his final talk concerning Mia. They told him not to bother. It seemed when Mia returned to the house, she had thrown a temper tantrum the likes of which they’d never seen. From her rants, they gathered that when the company she’d worked for had gone bankrupt, she’d lost a lot of money and was broke. She had been depending on Saint to take her back not because she loved him but because she needed him.

His parents had said that in all the years they’d known Mia they had never seen her act so unladylike and selfishly. The nerve of her only wanting to get back with him because she was down on her luck. His father said they hadn’t gotten her to the airport quick enough to suit them. Saint thought it was sad they had to see another side of Mia, but in a way he was glad they had.

They had promised that from now on they would stay out of his business and just hoped one day he would meet a nice girl and marry and get her pregnant so they could enjoy grandbabies while they could. He smiled thinking they would be happy to know Zara loved children and would be eager to give them those grandbabies they wanted. Plenty of them.

Saint’s cell phone rang and when he saw who the caller was, he excused himself and clicked it on. Moments later he caught everyone’s attention when he let out a loud cheer. “Saint, what are you cheering about?” Zara asked when he’d ended the call.

He rushed over to Zara and pulled her into his arms. “That was Stuart Bauer. The treasure map is authentic.”

Vaughn lifted a brow. “What treasure map?”

Saint and Zara then told Vaughn and Sierra about her mother’s letter and the map. “I didn’t want to tell you about it until I knew it was real.”

Vaughn nodded in understanding. “And it’s actually real?”

“Yes, it is real,” Saint said. “We used the same guy you used to authenticate that marriage license you found. Stuart Bauer also said that the empty rum bottle the map was found in is worth millions on its own. According to the map, the treasure is buried somewhere on this property. It’s up to Zara what she plans to do with the map.”

Zara shook her head. “No, it’s up to us what we want to do with it. We found it together.”

“This calls for another celebration,” Vaughn said, laughing. He proceeded to refill everyone’s glasses. “To Saint and Zara on their upcoming marriage and their finding an authentic treasure map.”


Phoenix, Arizona


“One...two...three...here it comes!” Velvet Spencer Colfax said to the twenty or more single women, before tossing her bridal bouquet over her shoulder. The young woman who caught it and let out a happy scream was one of Velvet’s college friends.

Zara stood on the sidelines next to her future husband. This was the first time she’d attended a wedding and didn’t have to compete in the bridal bouquet toss. There was no need, she thought, as she gazed at the ring Saint had placed on her finger a few weeks ago.

She thought Velvet and Jaye’s wedding had been beautiful. Velvet had looked absolutely gorgeous as she walked down the aisle on Reid Lacroix’s arm. Zara saw Jaye’s misty eyes as he watched Velvet come to him looking so breathtaking and radiant in an exquisite white Chantilly lace wedding gown. Zara couldn’t help dabbing tears from her own eyes as she and five hundred-plus wedding guests watched Velvet and Jaye pledge their love and lives to each other. That made Zara look forward to her own wedding.

She and Saint had decided on a Valentine’s Day wedding, which was only six months from now. The wedding and reception would be held at Zara’s Haven. Saint was keeping it a secret where they would be going on their honeymoon and said he would tell her in plenty of time to pack the proper clothing.

To say Saint’s parents had been elated about their engagement would be an understatement. They had made the announcement to the older couple together. His parents had apologized for not supporting their relationship. They’d honestly thought it was nothing more than a summer fling. They were happy it had been more than that and were glad that she would be joining their family. They thanked her for making their son the happiest they’d seen him in years.

Last week she and Saint had held a press conference to announce their finding of the treasure map. That was all the talk in Catalina Cove these days, and it had even made national news. From the map it was determined that treasure was buried on the property of two other homeowners in the cove, as well as Zara’s. One belonging to Levi Canady and the other on bayou land belonging to the Dorsett family. Sheriff Sawyer Grisham had his hands full keeping the media, who’d descended on the cove, as well as treasure hunters, under control.

Outsiders had been disappointed to discover a Catalina Cove ordinance that had been on the books for years that forbade hunters to dig at will in search of pirate treasure. Unless there was an authentic map, verified and approved by the Louisiana Historical Society, and permission given by the property’s owner, no digging was allowed anywhere in the cove.

The location of the treasure on Pelican Bay had been accurately pinpointed. It was a good one hundred feet from where the cottage sat. Zara and Saint decided to have the treasure dug up since it was far enough away from the cottage. The excavation team would be arriving in a couple of weeks.