Zara lifted a brow. “We’re still going?”
She sounded surprised. “Is there a reason why we shouldn’t?”
“No, I guess not,” she said, slipping out of bed.
It wasn’t what she’d said but how she’d said it that rattled him, set him on edge and, frankly, pissed him off. He’d promised himself after Mia that he would never become vulnerable to any woman again. “You know, you’re right. Maybe I need to go see what Mia wants to talk to me about,” he said, angrily grabbing his clothes from the chair and quickly putting them on. “We can do a rain check on boating since you’ll be here for another week.”
“Yes. Sure.” She looked out the window again.
He started to say something and then thought better of it. Turning, he walked out of the bedroom.
Tears began streaming down Zara’s face the moment she heard the door close behind Saint. Instead of telling him how much she loved him, she’d sent him to another woman. Namely, his ex. How could she do such a thing? Deep down she knew it wasn’t Saint who needed closure from Mia; she was the one who needed the closure from the woman.
Nothing between her and Saint had changed. If anything, things were good. Better than ever. Over the past weeks, not only were they connected on a physical level, but they’d connected on an emotional level as well. Then why was it that, since she’d acknowledged her love for him, her mind was conjuring up all these worst-case scenarios?
She wiped away her tears but more continued to fall. She loved him so much but her knee-jerk reaction upon hearing his ex-girlfriend was in town wanting to meet with him had probably pushed him away. Why was there this need, before she put her heart on the line with him, to make sure he wasn’t still carrying a torch for Mia? A torch Saint had assured her so many times was out? Why did she feel threatened by the woman’s appearance in town?
Zara knew the answer. A woman from Maurice’s past had taken him from her and the thought of that same scenario happening with Saint was a heartbreak she couldn’t take. It would be more devastating than the first time.
She knew how she felt about Saint, but she had no idea how he felt about her. Although Sierra and Vaughn thought he cared for her, she wasn’t sure of that and refused to assume anything. She couldn’t and her heart, which had taken such a beating before, refused to let her.
She thought of what he’d said moments before leaving...
“Mia is the last person I want to see. You should know that better than anyone.”
He was right, she should. They had shared so much over the past months. Their prior heartaches and pains, and the reasons why they didn’t want to risk their hearts again. However, they’d never talked about a future with each other. She wasn’t even sure what to expect when she visited Catalina Cove again. Would he want to continue their hookups? Or was he ready to walk away from her to see what could be in his future? A future without her.
Sitting down on the bed she couldn’t hold back her tears. She’d fallen so desperately in love with Saint that even now her heart ached. What if he saw Mia and decided even after all she had done that he still had feelings for her and would give her another chance? What if...?
She closed her eyes against a fresh wave of tears, refusing to think any longer. Thinking too much had gotten her into this mess. She should have told Saint how she felt before he left. He wasn’t like Maurice. She knew that. Saint was a man of honor and respect, thoughtful and kind. One who could be trusted and admired.
Wiping the tears from her eyes, she stood, hoping and praying after he met with Mia that he would come back to her. And when he did, she would tell him how she felt. Every single thing in her heart. Looking out the window, she saw the day would be a nice one. Too bad she wouldn’t be boating on the bayou with Saint after all. She’d ruined her plans for that.
But she would have faith that whatever happened was meant to be. She would prepare breakfast, do her yoga and then go swimming. Today would be another relaxing, do-nothing day while hoping the man she loved returned to her.
Saint went straight to his parents’ home and walked in. He found them seated around the kitchen table eating breakfast. “Good morning, everyone,” he said, getting their attention.
His mother beamed. “Saint. I knew you would come.”
Had she? He switched his gaze from his mother to Mia, who was sitting there looking at him. She looked the same. Pretty as ever. But at that moment while staring at her, he felt what he’d known he would feel. Nothing. Whatever love he’d once had for her was gone. He hadn’t needed to see her to know that Zara was the woman who now had his heart.
“Mia, you look well,” he said.
“So do you, Evans.”
Although his family and close friends called him Saint, she’d never done so. It hadn’t bothered him before but for some reason it did so now. “Thanks. I understand you want to talk to me.”
“Yes, I do.”
“For Pete’s sake, Saint. Let her finish her breakfast. There’s no rush when you have all day,” his mother said, all smiles.
He switched his gaze from Mia to his mother. If that was what she thought, she was wrong. “No, I don’t have all day. Like I told you on the phone earlier, I’ve made plans for today.” Although Zara wouldn’t be joining him, he planned to go boating on the bayou by himself.
“What kind of plans?”
He released a sigh. Only his mother felt she had the right to ask. “I’m going boating on the bayou.”
“That sounds wonderful. Maybe Mia can join you,” his mother said.