Wow. She’d never had an orgasm of such magnitude. Her ex hadn’t been into oral sex when it came to her, but didn’t have an issue when it was performed on him. She’d thought that was outright selfish of him, and when they couldn’t reach an agreement on it, they’d decided to omit it as part of their lovemaking. But now she saw what she’d been missing. Saint definitely knew how to use his tongue and had no qualms about doing so. In fact, he seemed to downright enjoy it, and she was glad she was reaping the benefits. She felt as if she’d had an out-of-body experience that had claimed her very existence.

Before pulling his mouth away, he gave her womanly core one last long, deep lick. Zara knew when he lowered her legs from his shoulders, but she didn’t have the strength to open her eyes.

She heard shuffling sounds and felt movement. “Angel?”

It was at that moment she forced her eyes open to stare up at him. The dark eyes looking down showed concern. “You’re alright?”

Unable to speak, she nodded.

“Now I’m going to give you a stormy August night that I hope you’ll always remember. Allow yourself to let go for me.”

She thought if she was to let go any more than she just had, she would probably die from pleasure. She could feel sexual energy flowing between them, hot, raw and carnal. Gazing up at him made her aware of the male power and strength of him, and she saw deep, sexual need stirring in the dark depths of his eyes.

Feeling and seeing all of that sexual hunger was making her ache with desire. She needed him to take the ache away. As if he understood, he slid inside her, stretching her wide, and going deep and then deeper. When he’d gone to the hilt, he paused and leaned down and took her mouth.

Then it was on.

Saint made love to her in a way she needed. Thrusting hard into her over and over again, while his mouth made love to hers. She was aware of how deep his shaft was going inside her, almost reaching her womb. No man had made love to her this way, without any inhibitions. Each thrust rubbed her clitoris, sending a riot of sensations escalating through her.

Digging her nails into his shoulders she moved her body, determined to share in this mating, and he began riding her harder and harder. Suddenly, something snapped inside her, and she screamed his name. Seconds later she felt his shoulder muscles tighten beneath her fingers and he hollered the name Angel.

At that moment she knew he’d done just what he’d said he would do, give her a stormy August night to always remember.


Three more rounds of lovemaking and several orgasms later, Saint was awakened when Angel eased from his arms. He figured she was leaving but already regretted she would be doing so. Opening his eyes, he watched her naked body leave the bed. Instead of getting dressed, she went over to the table and grabbed the bottle of wine and the glasses she’d brought with her.

Pulling himself up in bed, he asked, “What are you doing?”

She turned around and beamed at him. “Pouring our wine.”

When given such a cheerful reaction like that, she could be pouring cyanide and he would gladly drink down whatever she gave him. Damn. He was definitely under the spell of an angel right now. He had made love to her all through the night. Correction. They had made love to each other. The only time their bodies had separated was when one of them needed to use the bathroom. Of course, for him, it was the frequent changing of the condoms. He was glad he had stopped by the hotel’s gift shop to pick up a pack since the only one he’d had was that one kept in his wallet. Already they’d gone through a half dozen.

“Here you are.”

She handed him his glass of wine, and to keep her from spilling any, he took hers as she slipped back in bed beside him. “Thanks,” she said, settling against the pillow to sit up next to him before taking her wineglass from him. “I propose a toast.”

“What’s the occasion?”

“A pathway forward. Until tonight I wasn’t sure it was possible for me,” she said.

“And now you think it is?”

“Thanks to you, yes. You’re an awesome guy, Saint.”

“And I believe you’re an awesome woman. With you, I was able to channel my feelings into something else. Namely, someone else. You’re the first woman I’ve been attracted to since my breakup. You gave me the strength to do something I’ve never done before. In the past I put everyone else before myself. Tonight I focused on self-love and the sharing of pleasure with you.”

The wide grin she gave him at that moment pulled at his insides. “Sounds like you’ve found a pathway forward as well.”

He thought about what she’d said. “Yes, I think that I have.”

“Then let’s toast to our awesomeness.”

They tapped their glasses and took sips. He stared at her over the rim of his glass. Lowering it, he said, “About our real names...”

She reached up and pressed a finger to his lips. “Real names don’t matter to us. You’re Saint and I’m Angel. Please, let’s leave it at that.”

Although a part of him preferred not doing what she requested, he would abide by her wishes. The last thing he needed or wanted was to get back into a serious involvement of any kind with a woman. However, after a night spent with Angel he could believe when the time was right that he would be able to. He still had a lot of healing to do, and it might be a process that would take years. He was okay with that and believed that one day someone would come into his life, and she would be the one meant for him. He could now accept that woman had not been Mia.