She shrugged. “Vaughn can’t talk because he does the same thing.”

“Regardless, I think it’s commendable.” Then in a lowered voice he said, “Another thing I know you’re passionate about is making love to me. Whenever we’re together I feel your passion, Zara. All the way to my bones.”

There was no way he could express that he more than felt it. Whether he’d wanted to or not, he’d become addicted. Even now as they were talking, heat was curling his insides, threatening his control. It made him want to lean over the table and kiss her.

He understood why she’d kissed him that night when they were dancing in front of everyone. Desire had consumed her to the point primal instincts had kicked in. It had for him, too. He’d been able to control it. She had not. They sat there staring at each other in silence. He could feel the heat building, stoking that passion he’d been talking about.

“Would the two of you like some more wine?”

The waitress’s words snapped them out of their reverie. Breaking eye contact with Zara, he looked at the waitress, smiled and said, “Not for me.”

Zara said, “None for me, either. Thanks.”

When she walked off, Zara asked, “How long do you think this will last, Saint?”

He knew what she was asking about. All that sexual chemistry between them that seemed to be growing stronger with every passing day. “What makes you think it will end?” he asked.

Saint could tell his response surprised her. “Of course it will end. Remember, you and I reached the conclusion that nothing lasts forever,” was her response.

Yes, they had said that many times, especially when it came to love. Neither of them believed in happy endings. Nothing about that had changed. Or had it?

He pushed the thought from his mind. There were times when he was with Zara that he couldn’t think straight. Like now. All he wanted to do was suggest they skip lunch and go somewhere, preferably to the cottage, and make love for the rest of the day, all night and all day tomorrow...and the next.

What was crazy about the idea was that if he were to suggest it, she’d probably be right there with him. This affair between them would end when she left, but the intense sexual chemistry that made it feel like they were the only two people in the universe would not.

“Do you need me to bring anything on Sunday?” she broke into his thoughts to ask.

He smiled. “Just yourself. I’ll have everything else covered.” He doubted she knew just how much he meant that. But then, from the way she was looking at him, maybe she did.

“You haven’t given me your address.”

“You don’t need it. I’m picking you up and taking you back home.” But then maybe he could convince her to stay at his place the entire night. The thought of her sleeping in his bed had desire pulsing deep within him. After their lunch date he would return to work knowing he would not see her again until Sunday. For some reason that day seemed so far away.

That made him ask, “What are you plans for tomorrow?”

A dreamy smile spread across her face. “I plan to sleep late and start that new painting whenever I do wake up.”

“What are you painting now?” he asked.

The waitress arrived with their food before she could give him an answer.


The beeping sound alerted Zara that Saint had arrived, and she was ready.

Like she’d told him she’d planned to do, she had slept in late yesterday and painted. Then she’d joined Vashti, Bryce and Donna for brunch at Shelby by the Sea to celebrate Donna’s good news. They’d all been excited when Ashley had stopped by with the baby who they all thought was the spitting image of Ray.

Velvet, who’d left for Phoenix to help her best friend Ruthie with her upcoming wedding, had FaceTimed with the group to see the baby, hear about Donna’s good news and to thank them for their friendship and support over the past two years while living in Catalina Cove. Everyone could hear the happiness in her voice and was looking forward to her wedding in August.

Of course, the ladies at brunch had brought up what they’d thought of as Zara’s “hot” dance with Saint and “the Kiss.” Because her friends knew more than most, she’d told them she and Saint had decided to pretend taking their romance to the next level, and that was all there was to it.

They hadn’t been convinced. Donna warned her about the possibility of her and Saint falling victim to their own pretend game like she and Isaac had done when she’d come back to the cove for a class reunion a few years back.

In the cottage, Zara looked at the painting she’d told Saint she would be giving him. The one of that vacant building. There was no reason for her to keep it since there was no way she would consider opening a boutique here.

She placed the painting in a special wrapping. Then, like she usually did whenever she knew Saint had accessed her property, she went to the window to watch him walk over the pier that would bring him to the bay. When he had made it to the end of the pier, she grabbed her crossbody purse and the painting to stand on the porch.

It was a hot Sunday afternoon, and a cool breeze coming off the bay felt good as it caressed her skin. She had chosen to wear a pair of white Capri pants and a yellow top, telling herself it had nothing to do with the fact Saint had once told her that yellow was his favorite color.