His brow arched. “Is that normal to get snow this late in the year there?”
“Not normal, but it snowed in May years ago. I’m glad I’m here and not there.”
“I’m glad you’re here, too.”
An unexpected measure of appreciation flowed through her. He probably hadn’t meant anything with his words, but they made her heart thump in her chest anyway.
He took a sip of wine and she watched him. She grew aroused watching how his lips fit on the glass. Then she recalled all the things those hands holding the wineglass could do to her, had done to her. Just thinking about it made her body throb.
“I saw that guy today.”
She switched her gaze from Saint’s hand to his face. “What guy?”
“The one you danced with on Saturday.”
Did she detect irritation in his voice? “Where did you see him?”
“I had a meeting with him and Franklin Colfax. He’s the planning manager for Colfax Construction Company.”
“That’s right. I recall he had mentioned that.” She also recalled what Sierra had said about Saint watching her and Keith dance.
“He did a good job of keeping up with you on the dance floor.”
She grinned. “Yes, he did.” Wanting to drop the subject of her and Keith dancing, she said, “These crab cakes are delicious. You sure you don’t want one?”
He looked down at her plate. “I guess you can give me a tiny piece of one.”
“No problem.” She broke off a section of crab cake and offered it to him.
“Feed it to me, Zara.”
Lifting the morsel, she placed it to his lips. When he opened his mouth to accept it, she drew in a sharp breath when the warm tip of his tongue licked her fingers. He held her gaze as he slowly chewed the food. “You’re right. It’s delicious.”
She sat there transfixed and only blinked when he said, “Look over there.”
Her gaze followed where he was pointing and saw the sun going down across Pelican Bay. It was an awe-inspiring sight. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she asked him.
“Yes, and so are you.”
She looked at him and smiled. “You say the nicest things to me.”
“And all of them are true.”
“Thank you.”
When she finished eating, she asked, “Are you ready to go swimming now?”
He stood as she gathered up the trash. “When it comes to you, Zara. I’m always ready.”
Since he was standing, her eye level was below his waist. She saw what he meant when she took note of his aroused body.
She met his gaze. “I’m always ready, too.”
When he smiled, she knew he’d gotten her meaning just like she’d gotten his. They weren’t talking about swimming.