“It’s not that they’d think I’m no longer a nice guy, Zara. They will assume my values have changed. Like I told you, I’ve never just dated a woman for the hell of it. For me to openly kiss one the way I did tonight, they would assume she meant something to me.”

She placed her coffee cup on the table and met his gaze. “Okay, Mr. Problem Solver, what do you suggest we do for damage control?”

He set his coffee cup down as well and leaned forward with his elbows resting on his thighs to make sure he had her absolute attention. “I suggest we fake an affair.”

Fake an affair? He had to be kidding. “You’re joking, right?”

“No, I’m not joking, and the more I think about it, the more I like the idea.”

“Why?” She couldn’t wait to hear his answer because she thought the idea was ridiculous.

He smiled. “For starters, it will baffle those who saw us together tonight. Especially those busybodies who have been trying to keep tabs on me since I returned.”

“What kind of tabs?”

After taking a sip of his coffee, he said, “Trying to figure out which of the women who’ve been trying to wear down my resistance will succeed. I understand there are some who have compiled a list. You weren’t on the list yet. After tonight it will appear you’re the one I’ve chosen. Most are wondering when, where and how, since other than that one time we ate breakfast together at the Witherspoon Café, we haven’t been seen together.”

She knew that was true. They spent most of their time here in the cottage, mainly in the bedroom. Few people knew they were hookup partners. She hadn’t told anyone other than those she considered as close friends. Vaughn didn’t even know. She couldn’t help but wonder what he thought about her and Saint’s open display of affection. He wouldn’t say anything to her about it, but still, he had to be wondering about what was going on between them. If he’d suspected anything before, he definitely knew it now.

When she remained silent, he continued, “Hooking up with you was working fine for me. Although we weren’t sneaking around, we were keeping things private and between us, and we had every right to do so.”

Zara met Saint’s gaze and sighed deeply. “It’s no longer private and between us, is it?”

“No. I think we both knew dancing together would raise a few brows. Sexual chemistry between two people who’d never had contact before is not unheard-of. However, the way we danced, with clear familiarity, topped off by that kiss, was a strong indication we’re sleeping together.”

She took a minute as she absorbed what he’d said. He had tried to keep things under control with that dance and had even tried keeping a decent amount of space between them. But her body had wanted a connection with his even with their clothes on. He’d whispered for her to behave but she’d been naughty anyway.

That physical contact hadn’t been enough. Desire for more had rocked through her veins. She’d been the one to rise up on her toes and plant a kiss on his lips. Of course, he’d kissed her back.

“Tonight was all my fault,” she said, disgusted with herself because even with this turn of events, she still didn’t regret kissing him.

“It wasn’t your fault. I was a willing participant.”

“But I’m the one who initiated the kiss and kept intentionally pressing my body against yours. I got us in this mess, and I’ll do what’s needed to get us out. But I’m only going to be here for six weeks, Saint. I’m leaving the day after the Fourth of July. What happens when I return to Boston?”

He shrugged. “For a while people might assume we’ll engage in a long-distance affair. When they discover that’s not the case, they’ll figure things didn’t work out between us and that we ended things.”

She agreed with his logic. “What will a fake affair entail?”

“The same thing we’re doing now. However, you can join me for breakfast or lunch on occasion, and I’ll take you out to dinner, movies and even dancing.”

Zara thought about all he’d said. She didn’t live in Catalina Cove, but he did. What repercussions would her behavior tonight have on him? Just the other day, Sierra had told her how people in the cove liked and respected Saint and considered him a nice guy. She’d also said he wasn’t one to lead a woman on and wouldn’t become involved with one casually. But he was involved with her. She’d made that pretty clear tonight.

In a few weeks, she would be leaving for Boston, returning only on occasion to visit Vaughn, Sierra and Teryn. Would it be so bad for people to think something romantic was going on between them? Who would it hurt? He’d said it would work in his favor, but it would also benefit her as well.

She liked spending time with him. Although she was in town to pack up her things at Zara’s Haven, she had envisioned spending time with him here at the cottage, in private. They would still have opportunities for that; however, by pretending an affair, their time together wouldn’t be limited—they’d be free to go anywhere they wanted.

She would admit that she missed doing things that couples normally did. Mainly going out on dates to dinner and movies. She had no problem doing those things while she was here, and she wanted to do them with Saint.


He lifted a brow. “Okay?”

“Yes, I’ll go along with your suggestion that we fake an affair.”

It was a six-block walk home from Shelby by the Sea, but Levi Canady didn’t mind. Like he’d told Saint, the ache in his leg was more profound tonight. He’d discovered the best way to overcome the pain was to walk it out. Besides, he liked walking, inhaling the scent of the sea, looking up in the sky and seeing the stars, appreciating how quiet the town was at night. Using his legs made him also appreciate life when he recalled there had been a time when he thought he would lose one of them.

He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he increased his pace a little. There was no reason to keep Chip waiting. There were times he believed his dog could actually tell time and expected him to walk through the door at a certain hour. If he arrived late, Levi would find Chip pacing the floor, actually looking worried. Whoever said a dog was a man’s best friend knew exactly what they were talking about. Chip was certainly his.