She no longer tried to understand this thing between them. It was one of those phenomena that had no real name, just a ton of energy. In their case, it was sexual energy. Even without seeing him, her body was reacting to his presence. Even the air she breathed pricked her awareness. Moments ago, her nostrils had been pulling in the scent of the sea. Now it was inhaling the scent of him.
“Are you alright, Zara?”
She looked over at Sierra. That was when she noticed all the other women had walked off. “Yes, I’m fine. Where did everyone go?”
“To the buffet table. Bryce asked if you wanted anything, but you were too busy looking around to give her an answer. Are you expecting someone?” her sister-in-law asked with a sheepish grin.
Instead of answering, Zara craned her neck again, glancing around. Then she saw Saint. He was standing across the yard with a drink in his hand and staring at her. At that moment, she could not ignore the heat of attraction flowing between them. Even from the distance, she could see desire in his eyes. He began walking toward her.
“Well, wouldn’t you know. There’s Saint coming this way,” Sierra said with a mischievous grin.
Without taking her eyes off him, Zara said, “Yes, wouldn’t you know.”
“And do you remember what I said the other day about sexual chemistry being something that you and Saint can’t seem to hide?”
Without breaking eye contact with Saint, Zara said, “Yes, I remember.”
“Just thought I’d remind you.”
Zara acknowledged Sierra’s words with a nod. That was all she was willing to do since her full attention was on Saint as he approached. He was dressed in a pair of slacks and a button-up shirt over a pair of broad shoulders and a muscular chest. He looked so good, and the way his slacks fit him, they appeared tailored to his hips and thighs. She noticed that about all the pants he wore, whether dress slacks, trousers or jeans.
She remembered the last time they were together, how her hands had explored up and down his bare chest and sculpted abdomen. She took a sip of her wine and then licked her lips.
He was now less than ten feet away from her and their gazes still held. Suddenly, a woman appeared out of the crowd and grabbed his arm, halting his stride and forcing his eye contact away from her. Zara saw intense annoyance on his face when he glanced down at the woman.
“In case you’re wondering who she is,” Sierra said, “that’s Samantha Groover.”
Zara couldn’t recall having ever seen the woman before. “She lives here?”
“She was born in Catalina Cove and like the rest of us didn’t return after college. She was living in Tulsa and working in management at the Colfax Bank. When a branch opened here, she put in a transfer to return home. She graduated from Catalina Cove High School the same year Saint did.”
Zara felt a knot form in her stomach—a knot that shouldn’t be there, but was. She and Saint weren’t exclusive. They were just hookup partners. Yet, she wanted to know more about the woman. “Was she his girlfriend?”
“Nope. Although that was six years before our time, I remember her because she used to babysit me and Dani, until my parents found out she was letting her boyfriend come over and spent more time kissing him than watching us.
“She dated Oscar Belkins all through high school. They broke up after they left for college,” Sierra said.
“Oh.” Zara noticed the woman, grinning and getting all in Saint’s face, and didn’t like it one bit. “Maybe I should just go over there and—”
“Do what?” Sierra asked, tilting her head to study her. “Didn’t you tell me that you and Saint were just hookup partners? That the two of you don’t share any emotions, commitment or expectations of anything other than the moment?”
Zara breathed in deeply. Yes, she had said that, and she’d meant it. So why was she allowing emotions she shouldn’t have intrude now? Seeing him with a woman—a very pretty woman—shouldn’t bother her. So why was she letting it?
“According to what Samantha is telling people, she thinks she has an advantage over any woman who might want Saint.”
Zara couldn’t stop the irritation from showing in her eyes. “Really? And just what is this advantage?”
Sierra fought back a grin when she leaned in and said in a low voice, “She claims Saint had a crush on her in the sixth grade.”
Zara threw a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. “And she honestly thinks that counts for something? A crush that happened over twenty years ago?”
“I guess so,” Sierra replied with amusement in her voice. “Come on.” Taking Zara’s hand, she led her toward the buffet table. “Be prepared. Samantha isn’t the only one with her sights on Saint. Like you, there are a few other women here who’ve been waiting for him to show up.”
“I haven’t been waiting for him to show up,” Zara said, maybe a little too quickly.
“Sure you haven’t. I guess neither have Robin Dyer, Kassie Fisher and Peggy Fulton. But it seems Samantha got to him first.”
Zara knew that Robin and the other women Sierra had named were coworkers of Velvet’s. Single teachers in town. She shrugged and said, “Whatever.”