“Honestly, no. I’m not sure why she would do such a thing when we haven’t been in touch for over three years.”
“She’s the person who needs to tell you that.”
“Mia doesn’t need to tell me anything. I hope she enjoys her time visiting with you and Dad. Goodbye, Mom.” Out of respect, he waited for her to hang up before disconnecting the call.
“Your ex-girlfriend is in town?”
He looked at Zara. “Yes.”
“Why is she here?”
“Hell if I know. Mom claims she wants to meet with me. Mia is the last person I want to see. You should know that better than anyone.” And she should. He’d told her a lot about his relationship with Mia.
“Maybe you should talk to her to see what she wants,” Zara suggested.
He frowned. “Why? If your ex-boyfriend showed up after having no contact with you for three years and asked to meet with you, would you grant him any of your time?”
“No, but then the situation surrounding my breakup with Maurice was different than yours with Mia. He betrayed me with another woman. Mia didn’t betray you with another man.”
“No, but double rejection of a marriage proposal is just as hard a pill to swallow, Zara.”
She thought about what he’d said. But still... “If for no other reason, I think you should meet with her for closure, Saint.”
He stepped out of bed and stared at Zara, feeling somewhat annoyed at her suggestion. “Closure? What makes you think there’s not already closure between us?”
“The two of you were together for four years. That’s a long time.”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ve moved on.”
“Have you, Saint? Have you truly moved on?”
He placed his hands on his hips, his annoyance increasing. “What kind of question is that, Zara? Of course I’ve moved on.”
It was bad enough he had to deal with Mia’s unexpected appearance. Now on top of that, Zara was talking pure, unadulterated nonsense. It was as if she was intentionally trying to push him back to his ex-girlfriend. Why? Was there an ulterior motive for her doing so? Was she trying to find an excuse to end things between them? He didn’t want to think that, but what other reason would there be for her to come up with this closure bull crap?
“Have you truly done so, Saint? You and Mia broke up over three years ago and I’m the only woman you’ve spent any real time with since then.”
He frowned, holding her gaze. “And?”
“Nothing,” she said, looking away.
He had a gut feeling there was something. He then remembered that before he’d received that call from his mother, Zara had been about to tell him something. And he could tell from her expression whatever she was going to say had been serious.
Rubbing his hand down his face again, he didn’t want to think what that could mean. Hopefully nothing. Things had been going so well between them over the past weeks. Last night, on the day that would have been her last one in Catalina Cove had she not extended her stay, they’d gone dancing. Then later, they’d returned to the cottage and made love practically all through the night.
He had noticed a difference, an intensity that hadn’t been there before. It was in the way she’d returned his kiss and in the way her body had taken his into it. It was as if she was determined to capture every moment—desperate almost.
That made him wonder...
He could understand her being that way if it had been their last night together and she was leaving. However, she had extended her time, so what was going on here? “What were you going to tell me before I got Mom’s call, Zara?”
She looked away, out the window. “Nothing.”
Nothing? That was the second time she’d answered him that way. He knew there had been something, and he had a feeling it was something he would not have liked. “Are you sure?”
She looked back at him. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“Alright. Let’s get ready to go boating.”