Carmen drew in a quick breath before turning around where she stood in the kitchen. Matthew had said he was returning to the polo matches—she hadn’t expected him back so soon. At least she’d had time to put on some clothes and start dinner.

“I told you that I’m not leaving, Matthew. I deserve my time here so I figure you can do one of two things.”

“Which are?”

She was surprised he asked. “You can call the cops and have me arrested for trespassing, which should make interesting news this week. Or you can leave me be and ignore the fact that I’m here. This house is big enough for you to do that.”

She studied his features for some clue as to which option he fancied. And then he said impassively as he leaned against the kitchen counter, “The latter will cause just as much ruckus as the former.”

He was right about that. Ever since she had publicly thanked him when receiving her Oscar, the tabloids had claimed a reconciliation between them was in the works. The paparazzi had shadowed their every move, determined to find out if the rumors were true and the Hollywood darlings were ready to kiss and make up. And then her agent had come up with this idea to make things even more interesting by introducing Bruno into the mix. Plus there was the matter of his lingerie model.

“I’m sure when you explain things to Candy, she’ll understand,” she said with warm humor in her voice. Of course Candy wouldn’t understand, but then Carmen really didn’t give a royal flip. Candy had had her eyes on Matthew for years and hadn’t wasted any time latching on to him after their divorce had become final.

He stared straight into her eyes when he asked, “And what about Bruno? Is he an understanding sort of guy?”

The heat of his gaze touched her in a way that she couldn’t ignore. She knew he meant to be intimidating and not sexual, but that look was as sexual as anything could get and she wasn’t happy about the surge of desire flowing through her. The memories of what usually followed such a look swirled all around her and touched her intimately. Bottom line, Matthew Birmingham could make her feel like no other man could.

“Must be pretty serious if you have to think about it.”

She blinked upon realizing he’d been waiting for her response while she was thinking that he could still take her breath away. “Yes, he’s an understanding sort of guy.” She would let him ponder exactly what that said about the seriousness of their relationship.

Carmen turned to check the rolls she had put in the oven earlier. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a tank top. He’d always liked how jeans hugged her backside, and she was giving him an eyeful now as she bent over. She heard the change in his breathing and inwardly smiled. Poor baby, he hadn’t seen anything yet.

“If I decide to let you stay,” he was saying behind her, “there have to be rules.”

She turned around and lifted a brow. “What kind of rules?”

“Bruno isn’t welcome here.”

She could live with that, since she hadn’t intended to invite him anyway. “And what about your Miss Candy? Will you respect me as your former wife and keep her away while I’m here?”

It annoyed her that he actually had to think about his answer. Then he said, “I guess our plans can be rearranged.”

A coldness settled in her heart. His response meant two things. He had intended to bring Candy here, and the two of them were sleeping together. The latter shouldn’t surprise her since she of all people knew how much Matthew enjoyed making love. That was the one thing the two of them had in common.

“Does that mean you’re okay with me staying, Matthew?”

“Seems you’re hell-bent on doing that anyway. And like you said, the less the media knows about our business, the better.”

She laughed. “You’re concerned with the media? You? The same person who kissed me in front of a tent filled with people, including Ardella Rowe?”

“Like I said, you kissed me first.” He looked over her shoulder at the stove. “So, what are you cooking?”

“Something simple.”

“I didn’t know you could cook at all.” The amused glint in the dark depths of his eyes made her smile, as well. Matthew didn’t smile often but when he did, it was contagious—and sexy.

“I started cooking after Rachael Ray had me on her show.” And then, because she couldn’t help it, she added, “I’d prepared a couple of meals for you when I thought you would be coming home. When you never showed up, I fed everything to the garbage disposal.”

He looked at her as if he wasn’t sure she was serious. “Here’s another rule, if we’re going to be here together. No talk of the past. You bailed out on our marriage and I’d rather not get into it—”

“I wasn’t the one who bailed out, Matthew,” she countered, lifting her chin. “You replaced me.”

A fierce frown covered his face. “What the hell are you talking about, Carmen? I was never unfaithful to you.”

“Not in the way you’re thinking,” she said, truly believing it. “But there was a mistress, Matthew. Your work. And she was as alluring to you as any woman could be. I couldn’t compete and eventually stopped trying.”

His frown deepened. “I don’t want to hear it. I’ve heard it all before.”