When they entered her townhouse, he closed the door behind him. “You went walking. That’s good,” he said.
She nodded. “Trying to follow doctor’s orders.” She glanced around, not wanting to stare at him. “So what did you forget?”
He slowly moved away from the door to walk over to where she was standing. “It’s nothing I forgot per se, Carmen. I didn’t do something that I should have done before I left.”
She lifted her head to look up at him. “Oh. And what didn’t you do?”
He shoved his hands into the pockets of his slacks. “Tell you how I feel about you. That I have fallen in love with you and that I want you and our baby as a permanent part of my life.”
She knew her features showed her shock. “But you said you would never fall in love again. That you weren’t capable of loving anyone.”
“And I meant it when I said it. However, that was before I spent time with you here. Quality time. Meaningful time. You showed me that you aren’t like Candy. You’re different. You’re unique. You’re you. And you are who I fell in love with, Carmen. I was going to tell you last night after we made love, but before I could, you asked me to leave.”
“You were planning to leave anyway. I overheard you giving your employees notice that you were returning.”
“I only did that because I noticed you withdrawing from me over the past few days.”
Yes, she had been. “I was withdrawing because I was trying to spare my heart, Redford. I had fallen in love with you before and erroneously assumed you had fallen in love with me, too. I’d learned my lesson and didn’t want to make the same mistake again.”
He took a step closer. “I love you, Carmen, and you were right all along. You truly are my soulmate. I never knew such a thing was possible, but you’ve proved me wrong.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “My question to you is, do you still love me?”
That was an easy answer to give. “Yes.”
“Then will you marry me? Not for the baby’s sake but for my sake? I realize how much I need and want you in my life. The thought of me, you and the baby as a family is what I want more than anything.”
“Oh, Redford,” she said, burying her face in his chest, loving his scent as usual. “Yes, I will marry you.”
Lowering his mouth to hers, he captured it and then swept her off her feet. When he carried her over to the sofa, he broke off the kiss and sat down with her in his lap. “I know you hate cold weather so we can live here if you like.”
“I want our baby to grow up loving his or her father’s homeland. I’m willing to try Alaska for a while. I’ve gotten used to the weather somewhat whenever I visit Leslie and Sloan.”
He gathered her close. “Tomorrow, we go looking for your engagement ring. I want to make it official before we bring our families into the thick of things.”
“Good idea,” she said, looking forward to meeting his family and him meeting hers.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, knowing for them the best was yet to come. They loved each other and they loved their baby. Life was good and they would be sharing it together.
“And now to celebrate our engagement.” Redford stood with her in his arms and headed for the guest bedroom. “It’s closer and we’ve never shared that particular bed.”
He placed her on the bed and then joined her. “And just so you know, Carmen,” he whispered close to her ear in that throaty voice she loved. “You and I never had sex. From the first, our experience was different. I didn’t understand why. Now I do. Every time we shared a bed, we made love. I love you.”
“I’m inclined to agree with you. And I love you, too, Redford.”
Then he kissed her with all the longing and hunger she was happy to return to him. They had a wedding to plan, but first things first.
Redford glanced into Carmen’s eyes as he slid the ring on her finger. Moments earlier in the presence of their families and wedding guests, he had vowed to love her, cherish her and honor her, forever, and he’d meant everything he said.
They had decided on a small wedding in DC with family and close friends. Sloan and Tyler were his two best men, and Leslie and Chandra were Carmen’s matrons of honor.
He would never forget the happiness he felt watching Carmen walk down the aisle to him on her father’s arm. The degree of love he saw shining in her eyes matched his own. Today, he was marrying the woman who’d truly captured his heart.
After the reception they would fly to spend two weeks in Bora Bora for their honeymoon. He was happy with the decision they’d made to set up residence in Skagway since he would be spending a lot of time there during the construction of the resort. And his parents were close by whenever he needed to travel.
Just like he’d known they would, his parents fell in love with Carmen and were excited to learn they would be grandparents in six months. The same thing with Carmen’s family. They were happy about the baby, and he got along great with them.
“I now present Redford and Carmen St. James,” the minister said, breaking into his thoughts. “You may kiss your bride, Redford.”