What? That a man who’d stated more times than she could count that he would never fall in love with a woman would miraculously change his mind and do so? Why had she been kidding herself when she had vowed not to? Her only excuse was that things had been so good between them lately, and he’d honestly seemed to enjoy being here. But then, in the end, she had to face the fact that it had only been about the baby and the sex.

He strolled across the room to her. “I don’t know why you bothered to put this on,” he said, clasping the hem of her short night gown, removing it and tossing it across the room to join his clothes in the chair.

She no longer wore her hair braided and he glided his hands through it. “You’re beautiful, do you know that?”

Forcing a smile to her lips, she said, “Only because you tell me.” And he did so, often.

He smiled and then captured her mouth with his. She wanted this kiss; she needed this kiss. She would add it to all the other memories stored in her brain of the kisses and lovemaking they’d shared.

When he began walking her toward the bed, she decided to be the one in control tonight. When he tried easing her down on the bed, she shifted her body and eased him down on his back instead. His features showed his surprise seconds before she positioned her body over his. Widening her legs, she lowered her body to his erection, moaning when he assisted by lifting his hips off the bed for deeper penetration.

He was so powerfully male, and the feel of him embedded deep inside made her body begin to shiver. He gripped her hips when she began moving up and down, while he lifted his body to make each thrust even deeper.

“More, Carmen. More.”

His guttural plea got to her, made her give him just what he wanted. More. Clutching his sides with her knees, she began riding him the way she’d learned to ride a horse years ago. She established a rhythm and he fell right in sync.

Over and over, she thrust down and he thrust up, and when she began flexing her inner muscles as if to drain everything out of him, he pulled her mouth down to his and took it with a hunger that made her moan again. Breaking off the kiss, she threw her head back as she continued to ride him to her heart’s content. Making memories she would need when he left.

Suddenly, everything inside her exploded, seeming to rip her in two, and she noticed the same thing happening to him. They always came together and never knew when to stop.



They screamed each other’s names as orgasms ripped through them. Seemingly nonstop. And she knew that no matter what tomorrow brought for them, she would always have memories of tonight.

Chapter Twenty-Two

A short while later, Carmen was slumped down on Redford, unable to move after what he knew had been one hell of a lovemaking session. Somehow, he managed to raise his hand to stroke her back. He knew at that moment just what she meant to him.


She slowly raised her head to look down at him. “Yes?”

“There’s something I need to tell you.”

“There’s something I need to tell you, too, Redford.”

Deciding to let her go first, he asked, “What is it?”

“Since I’m doing better, there’s no need for you to hang around here any longer.”

Redford tried not to flinch at her words. “There’s not?”

“No. I’m sure you want to get back to work, and I need to start writing that book. I got an extension on the deadline and figured if I get started on it right away, I’ll be finished with it by the end of the year.”

She shifted her body to lay beside him and added, “Besides, Chandra will be returning in a couple of weeks, and since she hasn’t seen me most of the summer, I have a feeling she’ll be paying me a visit.”

He nodded. “Do you think she suspects something?”

“I doubt it. My family assumes I’ve been busy working on my book, which is why they haven’t been calling a lot lately.”

“I see.” He really did. She wanted him gone before her family arrived. Why did the thought of that bother him?

“What did you have to tell me, Redford?”

There was no way he would say what he’d intended to say. Especially now that she’d made it clear she wanted him gone. In that case, he had no reason to stay any longer. “I was basically going to say the same thing,” he lied. “Since you’re doing a lot better now, my services are no longer needed here. It’s time I go back to work. I’ve got that resort in Skagway to build, and you have that book to write.”