Quickly reclaiming her common sense, she said, “I’m fine. Just the regular. I’m going to have a lot to tell my little bun one day.”

He stroked her braid. “Your little bun?”

“Yes,” she said, using that opportunity to scoot around him and sit on the edge of the bed. Each time he touched her, she wanted more of the same. And that wasn’t good. “My little bun.”

He nodded. “Is that your pet name for our baby?”

“Yes, for now. I might change it when the doctor tells me the sex.”

He nodded. “Would you want to know the sex of the baby before it’s born?”

“Don’t know. Sloan and Leslie couldn’t wait to find out.”

“You and I both know, as well as a thousand others, why they wanted a girl. However, I’m sure they would have welcomed a son if Leslie had had a boy.”

Carmen nodded, knowing that was true. Sloan had been obsessed with having the first Outlaw granddaughter, and he had. “Do you have a preference?” she asked him.

“No. Just a healthy baby, which means I need to make sure there’s a healthy mom. That leads me to ask, are you ready for dinner?”

Carmen couldn’t help but grin. The man was as smooth as he was handsome. “I guess I slept through lunch.”

“Yes, you did. For a minute I thought you would sleep through dinner, too, but then I heard the pitter-patter of feet above my head.”

That meant he’d been in the guest bedroom downstairs. The thought that he was sleeping in the bed directly beneath her sent sensuous chills through her body. “Are you cold?”

He must have seen her tremble. “No, I’m fine, and yes, I’m ready for dinner.”

He smiled. “I made you another soup. This one has bits of chicken in it. That way you’ll be getting some protein.”

She didn’t have a problem eating anything, even protein, the problem was keeping it in. “Sounds good, but before you go, we need to talk.”


He sat in the chair and looked at her expectantly. After taking a deep breath, she said, “First, I want to say I liked the music. It was soothing and nice to wake up to.”

He smiled and her tummy tingled. “I’m glad you liked it. I researched what type of music might relieve nauseousness. I guess it didn’t work because you threw up anyway.”

She couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips. “I think it’s going to take more than music to help me with that, Redford. However, I appreciate the effort. When the baby grows up and becomes a teenager, I will tell them what I went through to bring them into this world.” She paused. “I want you to know, Redford, that I’ve decided to put your name as the father on our baby’s birth certificate.”

She could tell by his smile that he was happy about it. “Thanks, Carmen.”

She nodded. “Since you don’t have to prove anything to me about wanting the baby, you can leave.”



“Isn’t Leslie leaving at the end of the week?” he asked.

“Sooner if I can convince her. Although I’m still having bouts of nausea throughout the day, I know what to expect now and I can take care of myself.”

“Who will cook meals for you?”

“I can hire someone to bring food to me, Redford.”

“Leslie said you have a doctor’s appointment next week.”

“Yes, but it will be virtual, and the doctor has arranged for a nurse to start coming here to check on me at least twice a week.”