Those had been her feelings yesterday, too. However, she had thought about it during the night and now she kind of understood Redford’s position. “Moving on isn’t always easy for people, Leslie. You of all people should know that. Need I remind you what you went through when you thought Sloan had wronged you?”

“No, you don’t have to remind me so withdraw the claws,” Leslie said, chuckling. “I thought I’d play devil’s advocate and remind you.”

Carmen frowned. “Why did you feel the need to do that?”

“Because I recall, during that time when I thought Sloan had betrayed me, you were very insistent that I be fair with him. Just like you wanted me to be fair to Sloan and give him the benefit of doubt, I think you should do the same for Redford.”

Carmen didn’t say anything as she considered Leslie’s words. “He wants to develop a bond between us for our child’s sake.”

“I think you should. Remember when you taught public school before getting into the college system? One of your pet peeves was the absence of fathers in their kids’ lives. You felt they should be there, whether they were married to the mother or not.”

“Yes, I recall that.”

“That’s all Redford is asking for, Carmen. He not only wants to claim your child as his, he wants to be a part of his or her life. But the bigger question is how do you feel about that, knowing the three of you will never be a real family? How do you feel knowing that although he wants to be a father to your child, he doesn’t want to be a husband to you?”

Carmen released a deep sigh. “Redford has made it very clear that although he wants us to bond for our child, he has no plans to give up his single status, and I’m fine with that. I won’t marry a man who does not love me, and Redford doesn’t love me. I was wrong to assume he did. Nor is he my soulmate. Redford and I are alike in one way now. He never intends to fall in love again and neither do I.”

“I think you and Redford are both making a mistake by giving up on love, Carmen. Especially you. I also remember something else you would constantly preach to me when I was going through my troubles with Sloan.”


“To see the good in everyone and not the bad. I would think that even includes Redford.”

“I tried doing that, Leslie. That’s the reason I fell in love with him in the first place. Although I admit I had false assumptions about that night we spent together, it doesn’t negate the fact that he broke my heart.”

“Then tame the heartbreaker. Specifically, tame your heartbreaker.”

Carmen rolled her eyes. “I recall you once warning me that Redford couldn’t be tamed.”

“I might have been wrong. He never wanted fatherhood, yet because of you he is embracing it now. All I’m saying is that Redford feels he has no reason to trust his heart to another woman. He might see things differently after spending time here with you. God knows you are the most positive person I know.”

Carmen shook her head. “I used to be. I can’t risk getting my heart broken again, Leslie.”

“Then maybe this time you should approach things differently than just announcing to the world that you intend to marry Redford, like he didn’t have a say in the matter. Let him get to know you, Carmen. Now is the perfect time.”

“Honestly? While I’m in this condition? Sick most of the time while fighting to give our child a chance at life?”

“Yes, because both of you are fighting for the same thing. Already I can see where the two of you have made some progress.”

Carmen lifted a brow. “What kind of progress?”

“Redford wants to prove your child’s the most important thing in his life, and it seems he’s already proved it.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Because you referred to the baby as ‘our baby’ and not ‘my baby.’ That’s a good start, Carmen.”

Carmen was about to say the jury was still out as to whether it was a good start or not when she quickly got out of bed to rush to the bathroom.

“Come in.”

Redford entered Carmen’s room to find her sitting on the love seat. The same place she’d been sitting when he’d last seen her yesterday.

“Good morning, Carmen.”

The moment their gazes connected, a shiver shook him. He was getting used to her beauty overwhelming him, but now their baby was growing inside her. And the sexual vibes between them were just as strong as always.

“I understand you had a rough morning,” he said, taking the chair across from her.