“I arrived last night after finding out you were pregnant and having a difficult time.”
“And this affects you how?”
He couldn’t believe she had the audacity to ask him that. “If you’re pregnant, the baby is mine.”
“You’re sure of that? You used a condom.”
He knew her words, spoken sharply, were meant to get a rise out of him. They didn’t. “Yes, I used a condom, but I’m also aware that we shared multiple orgasms that night. A condom can only hold so much, Carmen.”
The blush on her cheeks was priceless. She recovered quickly and lifted her chin even higher. “I admit your sperm might have contributed, but my baby isn’t yours nor is it ours. It’s mine. I got it from your own lips that you don’t want kids.”
“Yes, but that’s a moot point now since you are pregnant. I’m not the type of man to walk away from fatherhood.”
“Tell that to the next woman you impregnate. At the time we slept together you didn’t want kids, so there’s no reason for me to think you’d want mine.”
“I’m telling you I do.”
“Well, I don’t believe you.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. She was being difficult. Leslie had warned him that she would be. “Then I guess I need to prove it to you.”
“You can’t prove it to me.”
“I believe that I can.”
“You can certainly try.”
She’d said just the words he had wanted her to. “Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to do so, Carmen. I will make sure you don’t regret it.”
He saw the confused look on her face. “What are you talking about, Redford?”
“You’ve just told me I can prove to you that I want our child.”
“And I intend to do so.”
He thought she looked cute rolling her eyes when she replied, “Whatever.”
“Don’t you want to know how I intend to do so?” he asked.
“No, because such a thing can’t be done.”
“We’ll see. Now I’ll let you rest.” When he reached the door, he turned and asked, “Is there anything you need before I go?”
“Not a thing.”
Redford gave her a smile before leaving. He doubted she knew just what she had agreed to. However, she would find out soon enough.
Carmen watched Redford leave, confused as all heck. Where had he come from? When had he gotten here? More importantly, why on earth would he claim to want her baby when he’d told her he didn’t want kids? And what was that nonsense about him proving something to her?
She was about to pick up her phone to summon Leslie when her bedroom door opened, and Leslie walked in. “I was just about to call you,” Carmen said. “When did Redford get here?”
“Last night with Sloan. I told you Sloan had told him about your pregnancy. I didn’t tell you about him being here because we got sidetracked when you said his name wouldn’t go on your baby’s birth certificate. I knew that wouldn’t fly with Redford and felt he was the one who should tell you that. I gather he did.”
“Yes, but like I told you, I don’t believe him.”
“But I understand you agreed to let him prove otherwise.”