“Because of the magnitude of what we shared that night. A night I still have strong memories of. Now I understand why our lovemaking made such a lasting impression on me.”
“You do?” At his nod, she asked, “Why?”
“Because something that wonderful and magnificent was never meant to be a one and done.”
Without giving her a chance to say anything, he leaned in and brushed a kiss across her lips and whispered, “So go ahead, Carmen. I give you permission to seduce the hell out of me.”
A lump formed in Carmen’s throat when she repeated Redford’s words in her mind. Staring deeply into his eyes, she saw a longing in their dark depths and couldn’t ignore the sense of satisfaction that fueled her own desire. When a smile spread across his lips, she felt emboldened to seduce him, although she’d never done any such thing before in her life.
“I wouldn’t know where to start,” she admitted.
“Start anywhere you like and do anything you want,” was his response. The deep sound of his voice did things to her. Made her feel things that only he could make her feel. Suddenly, she felt very warm. The sliver of the moon through an opening in the curtain highlighted his features. His very handsome features.
His words floated back through her mind once again. They motivated her, made her want to do just what he’d suggested, to start anywhere and do anything. Just the thought sent a sensuous tremor through her.
So what was she waiting for?
Leaning up on tiptoes, she pressed her mouth to his. He returned the kiss but in no way did he try to dominate it, even though he was holding her solidly against him. Yet this kiss stirred something deep within her. Although he let her control every aspect of it, at the same time, in his own way, he assured her that he was all in.
In no time at all, the kiss ignited a craving within her, one she’d tried to contain since his arrival a week ago. There was a greediness unleashed within her that made every part of her ache with an urgency that was overtaking her senses.
If someone had told her after her last encounter with Redford that she would be allowing such a thing to occur again, she would have laughed. But here she was, back in his arms again and anticipating what she knew would happen next.
Nothing she and Redford shared had anything to do with love. At least not on his part. The chemistry between them was strong, unrelenting and nearly burning out of control.
She broke off the kiss to take a deep breath, filling her nostrils with his masculine scent and her eyes with all that was him. The last time they’d been together, he had undressed her. Tonight, she wanted to experience how it would be to undress him. He was already shirtless and his jeans hung low on his hips with the fastener unsnapped. Evidently, he had slipped into them quickly when he’d heard her move around up here.
“Need my help with anything?”
She met his gaze and saw the heat of desire in his eyes. Knowing he wanted this as much as she did had her melting inside. “No, I got this.”
To prove her point, she took a step closer and immediately felt the hard throb of his erection against her middle. She tried not to react to it but couldn’t help doing so. There was no way he didn’t see genuine female appreciation in her eyes.
Reaching down, she began easing down his zipper. Then kneeling down in front of him, she tugged on his jeans. After a few tries, she finally eased them down his legs. Since he wasn’t wearing any briefs, she could only assume he slept in the nude. The thought of such a thing was a total turn-on for her.
When he kicked the jeans aside, she stood back up to let her gaze roam over his naked body. She thought the same thing now that she had their one night together. He was a perfect specimen of a man. She couldn’t help leaning in to brush a kiss across his lips and whispering, “We’re halfway there.”
As she took a step back, his dark eyes stared at her as she eased the nightgown from her shoulders to drop at her feet. Now it was his gaze roaming over her nakedness.
There was something hot about his look that made her move toward him. She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck and recaptured his mouth with hers. Kissing him in ways she’d spent several nights dreaming about.
Evidently, she was doing something right, she thought, when she felt his hands stroke her back. In no time at all she became lost in the sensuality that was the epitome of Redford St. James. Although he let her dominate the kiss, there was something about the way he was doing so that had her senses reeling. Not only was she trying to light his fire, he was also lighting hers.
She pulled away from the kiss and unwrapped her hands from around his neck. Then she began doing something she’d wanted to do the last time but hadn’t been bold enough to try. Mainly to touch him. All over.
Her hands trailed over his chest and shoulders before moving lower to his hips and thighs. Feeling bolder still, she cupped that ultra-male, large part of him in her hand, amazed at the hardness of it. Just thinking how this particular part had been instrumental in making a baby with her elicited a sensual moan from deep within her throat.
His voice was husky, his breathing choppy and erratic, when he murmured, “I love the feel of you touching me, Carmen.”
Carmen had news for him. She found this part of him fascinating and loved touching him, too. The more she did so, the more she wanted him. From the sounds he was making, he wanted her, too.
“Not sure how much more I can handle of you doing that,” he said in a throaty voice while framing her face in his palms. She had no choice but to look at him instead of looking down at what her hands were doing.
He released her face when her fingertips began making circular motions around the tip of his manhood. She looked into his eyes when he inhaled sharply, as if his breath had been snatched from him. “What’s wrong?” she asked, concerned, but not enough to stop what she was doing to him with her hands. The eyes staring back at her were so filled with heat, they nearly snatched her own breath away.
“You have no idea what you’re doing to me, Carmen,” he said through gritted teeth.
He was right, she didn’t know, but she had a good idea. Feeling naughty, she leaned in and licked the side of his face and whispered, “What I want to know is whether I’ve seduced the hell out of you yet, Redford.”