She knew what he was asking. There was no reason not to be honest. “Because I enjoyed it, and after feeling lousy over the past weeks it was nice to engage in something I enjoy.”
“And you enjoy kissing me?”
“Just as much as you enjoy kissing me.” There was no point in him denying he enjoyed the kiss they’d just shared. She could tell he had.
He smiled at her. “You’re right, Carmen, I enjoy kissing you. Probably, too much.”
“I guess everyone has a weakness, Redford.”
There was no doubt in her mind he would furiously deny he had a weakness of any kind, especially one pertaining to a woman. However, instead of denying it, he swiftly changed the subject. “Are you ready to see the doctor next week?”
His question forced her to think about what the visit meant. “Yes and no. Yes, because I’m hoping she will tell me that everything with the baby is fine. And no, because the vain side of me wishes I was more presentable.”
His brow lifted as if taken aback by what she’d said. “More presentable how?”
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Look at me, Redford.”
For a minute she wished she hadn’t asked him to do that. The heat of his gaze seemed to touch every inch of her body. He then met her eyes. “I don’t see anything that makes you not presentable.”
Carmen figured she should take his words as a compliment but couldn’t. Holding her hands in front of her, she said, “Although my nails are passable, my toes are a different matter. I missed my last two pedicure appointments.”
“Oh, I see.”
She figured he did see since she remembered having mentioned the issue before. He probably figured she was vain. Now it was her turn to change the subject. “Tell me about the resort you’re thinking about building in Skagway.” He had mentioned something about it yesterday, saying the city had finally decided to sell him all the land he needed.
“Now that the land deal is finalized, it will be full steam ahead.”
They discussed the resort plans for a long while. Then, it wasn’t long before she began feeling sleepy. Obviously, Redford had detected it. He stood with her in his arms, walked over to the bed and placed her in it. “Will you be alright for a while? I need to run out.”
She felt herself nodding and then he leaned in and placed a kiss across her lips. “Be good while I’m gone.”
Before sleep took over her mind, Carmen mumbled, “I will be good. But our baby might misbehave.”
She dozed off with pleasant memories of Redford’s kiss floating through her mind.
Chapter Seventeen
A few hours later Redford returned and knocked on Carmen’s bedroom door.
“Come in.”
Opening the door, he saw she was sitting up in bed wearing a gown he’d never seen before. That meant she’d had another bout of nausea while he was away. “Are you okay?”
She nodded and smiled. “I am now.”
He couldn’t help but smile back. “Does that mean our child acted up while I was gone?”
She chuckled. “Afraid so.”
“Well, hopefully, this will cheer you up,” he said, producing the bag he’d been holding behind his back. He handed it to her.
When she glanced in the bag and back at him, her face lit up. “Ice cream!”
He grinned at the excitement in her voice. “Yes, and your favorite flavor.”
She eyed him suspiciously. “Does that mean we have to share?”
He laughed. “Not at all. Besides, I’ll be busy while you’re eating the ice cream.”