He had then carried her over to the love seat and eased down to sit with her in his lap. Once cuddled in his arms, she had drifted off to sleep. After a while, so had he. The sound of the phone ringing had awakened them. It had been Leslie checking to see how she was doing. Following Carmen’s request, he hadn’t mentioned anything to Leslie about her severe episode of morning sickness earlier.

“How do you feel now?” he asked.

“Okay, after such a rough morning. It’s not even noon yet.”

He nodded. “Hungry?”

She smiled. “Yes, a little.”

As far as he was concerned, that was a good sign. The doctor had reiterated she should eat light meals but more of them. “What do you have a taste for?”

Her smiled widened a little and she said, “I might pay greatly for it later, but I have a taste for ice cream.”

“What flavor?”

“My favorite is vanilla.”

He chuckled. “So is mine.”

Several minutes passed in silence while he cradled her in his arms, then he said, “Everything is going to be okay, Carmen. I know I have a lot of nerve saying such a thing when I’m not the one throwing up their guts every day, but I believe it.”

She pulled slightly away to look at him. “She didn’t deserve you, you know.”

He lifted a brow. “Who?”


He wondered what had made her say that. As if she read his thoughts, she said, “You’re such a nice guy.”

“Thanks.” He then asked, “You still want ice cream?”

“Sure,” she said, snuggling back into his body. “But right now, I just want you to hold me, Redford. Whenever you do, I don’t feel afraid about the baby. You help me believe it will be alright. That I will be alright.”

“You both will. I’m going to make sure of it, Carmen.”

“I believe you.”

He doubted she knew how much her words meant. He’d never been a sound sleeper so even the littlest movement in her bedroom would get his attention. He knew whenever she got up to use the bathroom or was restless. Those nights when he knew she was getting a good night’s sleep were the ones when his own mind would be calm. That’s when he would lie in bed and remember his one night with her. Even now he could still say, without a doubt, it was the best lovemaking of his life, and he was still in awe as to what they had shared. The memories made his body simmer inside. Like what was happening now.

Without thinking about what he was doing, merely acting on instinct, he took her face in his hands to study it. Even while under the weather, she was beautiful. “I want a daughter who looks just like you, Carmen.”

He could tell by the look in her eyes that his words had surprised her. Redford searched her eyes. Obviously, what he’d said had meant something to her, and he was glad. He couldn’t lose track of the fact that she’d been through a lot, not only today but other days as well. Just for their baby.

“Thank you.”

He was about to tell her she didn’t have to thank him when something welled up inside of him. It was a longing he’d been fighting since seeing her again. A longing he’d convinced himself he had power to deny. However, he didn’t want to deny it now. He wanted to act on it.

Unable to control his emotions any longer, he lowered his mouth to hers.

The moment Carmen felt the taste of Redford’s tongue, memories consumed her and broke down every defense she had against him. Not only was she moaning, but she was returning his kiss with a greed that astounded her. The way he devoured her mouth bordered on scandalous, and she was right there with him.

Carmen recalled how, after their night together, she would have endless dreams about him. She still did, and in those dreams, he would always kiss her this way. With a greed and hunger that set every cell in her body on fire. Finally, he released her mouth and they both drew in a deep breath as he rested his forehead against hers.

He murmured against her lips. “I should not have done that, Carmen.”

She didn’t hesitate in responding. “I’m glad you did, Redford.”

He seemed surprised by her response. “Why?”