“You’re welcome.”
“We still need to talk, Redford.”
“Right now, I need to get you back in bed. Do you need to change your gown?”
She shook her head. “No, but I’ll need another robe. Could you have Leslie come in here, please? She’ll know where they are.”
“Leslie isn’t here.”
He saw the surprised look on her face. “She’s not here? Where is she?”
“Since Sloan is leaving in the morning, she went with him to visit his brother and his wife.”
“Oh. I’d forgotten Jess and Paige live here in DC, too.”
“Leslie told me to let you know she’d only be gone for a few hours. Tell me where a fresh robe is and I’ll get it for you.”
She hesitated and then said, “There’s one in my closet, hanging up on the left side.”
He nodded and went to get it. He wasn’t surprised to see how neat and orderly her closet was compared to his. It was also a lot smaller, although she definitely had a lot more clothes. One of the first dresses he saw was the shimmering blue one she’d been wearing at Jaxon and Nadia’s wedding. The one he had taken off her. He pulled a robe off the hanger while potent memories flooded him.
He made his way back to the bathroom and handed her the robe. “Thanks,” she said, taking it from his hand and then looking at him expectantly.
When he didn’t move, she said, “You can leave now. I need to change.”
He lifted a brow. She was just changing robes, not gowns. Even if she had been changing gowns, he had seen her naked before.
Instead of reminding her of that, he said, “I’ll be outside the door if you need me.”
She frowned. “I’m not incapable, Redford.”
Leslie had warned him she would say that. She didn’t want anyone to do for her what she could still do for herself, and he admired her for that. He studied her for a moment before gently caressing her cheek. “I know you’re not, Carmen. I just want you to know I’m here if needed.”
He smiled before turning to leave, closing the door behind him.
Carmen released a deep whoosh of air from her lungs. Why had he given her one of his notorious smiles before walking out the door? And why did he have to play the part of the gallant hero by sweeping her into his arms and carrying her into the bathroom, where she’d performed the most unromantic act? She recalled the exact moment she’d felt his hand stroking her back and realized he was down on the floor beside her. His care had sent shivers of desire racing through her.
Desire should be the last thing on her mind, especially with Redford St. James, she thought, removing her robe to put on another. Just knowing he was outside the door unnerved her because whether she wanted to admit it or not, she still desired him.
And then he’d told her she was beautiful. Beautiful? He had to be kidding. However, her parents had raised her to accept a compliment, even if it was an outright lie. Anyone looking at her could see she was a mess. Like she’d been rung through a wringer a few times.
Why was he being so nice? And why did he want to claim her child? Doing so had to benefit him somehow. What other reason could there be? And because she was convinced he had some kind of ulterior motive, she wasn’t having any part of it.
There was a soft knock on the bathroom door. “Yes?”
“Are you okay?”
She frowned. What had Redford thought? She’d drowned in the commode? She bit back the retort and instead said, “Yes, I’m fine. I’ll be out in a minute.”
After tying the sash around her waist, she opened the door and he was right there. Before she could say anything, he swept her into his arms. “I can walk, Redford,” she snapped.
“I know that. Just humor me.”
She didn’t want to humor him. She honestly didn’t want him there. Instead of placing her in the bed like she thought he would do, he sat down on the love seat with her in his lap.
“What are you doing?”