Page 86 of Savage Claim

“That’s Wrath?”

“Yep,” Fane replied, the hint of trepidation filtering his tone.

Wrath’s mouth curved into a crooked grin. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Tatum. Congratulations on shifting. You’re such a pretty little wolf.”

“I thought you had to stay in Heldrok as the warden.” Fane’s eyes narrowed on Ruin’s twin, warning bells screaming through the bond. “And how did you know we were in trouble?”

Wrath checked the rearview mirror to see if we had a tail. Thankfully, no one from Silver Ridge had seen us jump into his car. “A friend in the pack told me that you and Fane might need a ride.”

“Valeria?” She was the only person who would have helped us, but how did she know Wrath?

“Was it Valeria?” Fane asked since I couldn’t speak.

I really needed to shift back.

Wrath nodded. “I’ve known that beautiful creature for a long time. Don’t let her fool you. She’s a saucy little minx.”

“How long have you been in Savannah?” Fane’s mounting tension ricochetted through the bond, forcing my own muscles to grow rigid.

“As soon as Venna bit the dust, I could leave. Our deal was null and void then, and I didn’t need to hide as Demarcus anymore.” He gave a noncommittal shrug and turned down another road leading us out of the city. “It’s a long story. Maybe I’ll tell you one day when we aren’t trying to escape from a bunch of shifters. They’re going to figure out you left in a car.”

“Why are you helping us?” Fane scrutinized the high demon, his hands curling into fists. “You and I aren’t exactly the best of friends, even more so after learning you’re the fucking warden who allowed my mother to be tortured for years.”

A long breath blew out of Wrath. “I didn’t have a choice. And I’m doing this for Warin.” His fingers tightened around the steering wheel. “He was my best friend, and he’d want me to help his brother.”

“You don’t give a shit about what Warin would want if you let his mother rot in your prison.”

Dizziness suddenly swarmed me, and I stumbled on the seat. Now that I wasn’t fighting an alpha—my damn father—and his beta or running for my life, the adrenaline quickly drained from me, and the angry thud of my injuries registered.

Fane cursed, and when I lifted my head, his gaze focused on the wet spots collecting on the black leather seats.


“I’m fine,” I said, even as my limbs grew heavy with fatigue.

The demon shifter ignored my protests and climbed into the back. “I knew you were hurt, but since you weren’t feeling the pain, I didn’t feel it either.”

“I’m not hurt,” I lied. “Stop making a big deal about it.”

When Fane rested his hand on my shoulder where Barric’s claws had gotten me, I flinched. Ruby-red stained his fingers. His teeth ground, the tiny muscles in his face twitching. He wanted to jump out of the car speeding down the scenic road out of the city, race back to the compound, and tear Jax and Barric apart.

“If you really want to help me, tell me how to shift back!” I snarled, my lips curling to bare my teeth.

“Pretty little wolf is pissed.” Wrath chuckled, his irises shining in the rearview mirror.

I snapped my jaws at him. “If he keeps it up, I’m going to tear his throat out.”

“Easy, fiera mika.” Fane stretched his arm out to draw me back into the seat and keep me from lunging at the high demon. “You need to calm down to transform.”

With a huff, I relaxed into him, letting his hands massage circles on my back. For shit’s sake, he was petting me like I was a damn dog.

“Just steady your breaths and slow your pulse.” Fane took several deep breaths, urging me to match him.

After a few minutes, my heart stopped treating my rib cage like a battering ram, and my muscles loosened as I leaned into Fane, my lids growing heavy. Warmth bloomed in my chest, spreading through my extremities. Faint vibrations traveled over my limbs as my bones started bending and re-forming.

I rolled my head and let out a groan as my body fluidly changed from my wolf to my human form.

My very naked human form.