He was definitely on Rapture. The little silver vial on the glass coffee table was a dead giveaway.
A bear shifter sat in a chair with a pretty fae on his lap, dropping Rapture on her tongue. The group on a leather couch in the corner included two vampires, a witch, and a fae, taking shots. Those little silver vials littered the table.
There was no sign of Roxie yet, but she was in here, hidden within the mystical fog that attempted to mask some of the debauchery. I stepped over a pair of pants on my way to the back, keeping my gaze forward. If I looked to the left, I knew what I’d see. The sounds were enough to paint a vivid picture, and after Fane’s teasing on the dance floor, a heavy flush already coated my skin.
After ten minutes, a familiar laugh hit the smoky air, and I screeched to a halt to search the sea of sin. Roxie lounged on a black leather couch between two male nightworlders, moaning. The demon cupped her chin and drew out tiny sips of her soul while the witch had his hand between her legs, spreading them to get a better angle. Her hips bucked in time with his movements while he kissed her throat.
Now I understood the remark Ruin made to her at Corvin Manor. Apparently, Roxie had become a regular in this room, gobbling down Rapture and getting her freak on with nightworlders, all the while hating them. And what about Hawk?
I stormed to the couch, my hands curling into fists, ready to punch the raven. As I stood before the threesome, the two nightworlders noticed me while Roxie remained lost in ecstasy.
“So not only are you a shitty partner, but you’re a shitty girlfriend too.”
She finally broke away from the demon, her pupils so blown out barely any blue was visible. A scowl spread her lips once she recognized me. “Mind your own business, freak.”
“Hawk is my business,” I gritted out. “Does he know about your obsession with this place? I doubt he’d be cool with you guzzling Rapture and hooking up with other guys.”
“Hey, it’s cool, baby.” The demon gave a sultry grin, his lids half-mast, the blue lights glowing on his neon-pink hair. “There’s always room for more. You can join the party, right, Rafe?” He patted his lap.
The witch, Rafe, chuckled and sipped his cocktail. “We like shifters, too, sweetheart. Have you ever fucked a witch before?” Violet electricity crackled on his fingertips. “Trust me. It’s a blast.”
“She’s not interested.” Roxie reluctantly pushed the witch’s hand from between her legs and sat up straight. “This little downer would never be able to satisfy you two.”
For shit’s sake, she was jealous of the attention these creeps showed me. I sneered at the two nightworlders, but they clearly didn’t take the hint.
“I think a shifter could be a fun addition to the party.” The demon leaned forward and ran his finger over the back of my hand. “I’m Eris. Why don’t you give us a try?”
As rage erupted in me, I snatched Eris’s wrist, twisting it and releasing a threatening snarl that even raised the hair on my neck. “Touch me again, and I’ll break every bone in your body.” A luminescent sheen invaded my irises as my pupils thinned to slits, looking more demon than shifter.
The color drained from his cheeks as his gaze fell on my neck tattoo. “I’ve heard about you.”
The Infernal Sol stirred awake at the prospect of violence, a tiny tendril of that wicked power gliding through my bloodstream.
I released the demon’s wrist and bent it at the waist to become level with his face. “You should go before I decide to shatter your flimsy skeleton anyway.”
“What kind of shifter are you?” Rafe asked, his dark locks falling across his sharp cheek as he tilted his head back to study me.
Eris fell while scrambling off the couch. “She was bitten by a fucking beast.” He snatched his drink and a bottle of Rapture from the table. “I’m not sticking around to get demolished by either one because where she goes, he usually follows. They’re both crazy.”
At the warning from his friend, the witch jumped up and scurried away.
“You have to ruin everything, don’t you, Tate?” Roxie flicked her long, ebony ponytail over her shoulder.
Images of that ponytail swaying as she rode Hawk’s dick in this very room sped through my mind, hemorrhaging more fury into my system. The demon amulet purred, soaking it all up and drifting closer to the surface.
“Hawk deserves better.” My fists shook with the effort it took not to knock her ass out.
“Hawk barely notices me. He’s so self-absorbed now.” Roxie grabbed a drink off the coffee table. “You totally screwed him up. After you left, he became obsessed with taking out nightworlders.”
My eyebrows slammed together. “I didn’t leave. I was kicked out.”
“You became a freak nightworlder and screwed Hawk up in the process.” She sipped her cocktail. “He can’t fulfill my needs because he’s too busy trying to get revenge on every nightworlder for you leaving. It’s so pathetic.”
Sharp pangs ripped through my heart. Roxie never loved Hawk. She only wanted the fun version, but now that he was hurting, she couldn’t care less about him.
“If you aren’t getting what you need from Hawk, why don’t you let him go?” I asked, trying to keep calm as she maintained that smug look. “Let him get another partner that actually has his back.”
“I would rather keep my claws in Hawk for the next five years just to piss you off.”