“Don’t attack him.”
Of course he wanted me to back down.
A pulling sensation erupted in my gut, and seconds later, my incorporeal form stood right beside the demon shifter. “Why are you always telling me what to do? Why must you ruin my fun?”
He arched an eyebrow, speckles of blood coating his face. “You don’t want to hurt the raven.”
“But he stole my kill.”
“Get over it.” He studied me and then my body standing several feet away. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.”
I followed his line of vision, and ice slammed into my chest at my horrifying state. Black blood splattered me almost from head to toe, but the worst parts were the stains around my mouth and all over my hands. There was no denying I’d ripped into those demons like a savage.
Like a monster.
The realization cleared the bloodlust from my mind and shoved the Infernal Sol’s influence down. I staggered back, and Fane’s hand pressed between my shoulder blades, the weight of his touch very real even though I was only a ghost next to him.
“Don’t be ashamed of who you are.” He gently stroked my spine. “You’re a warrior, and you should be proud.”
I turned to him, hot tears blurring my vision. “They won’t think so.”
“Fuck them. Why do you care what they think?”
It was hard to let go of my old life. I’d been one of them not long ago and so happy to finally belong.
But it had all been a lie.
Once the last sub-demon was finished, Axel lowered his sword and surveyed the damage. When his emerald eyes fell on me, they widened as a string of curses burst from his mouth.
His shock had me slamming back into my body, and I stumbled forward.
“You really are one of them,” he muttered, his lips pressing into a tight line. “When Roxie told me you attacked her, I didn’t want to believe it, but…”
Kortney marched by him and socked his arm. “These two just saved our asses, and you’re judging Tate for being a nightworlder?” She shook the blood off her sword and then used the rune on the hilt to disengage the blade. “And since when do you listen to Roxie?”
“I’m just saying.” Axel flicked his hand toward me. “She killed those things—with her teeth and claws.”
I blinked rapidly and swallowed back a sob, unable to speak as my former friend’s words crashed into me like bullets.
A heavy presence coalesced at my side, and hot anger pulsated from Fane. “Keep talking, raven, and you’ll earn a spot on my bad side. And trust me, that’s one place you don’t want to be.” His grin sent chills creeping down my nape, and it certainly terrified Axel.
Kortney smirked. “Anyone ever tell you how funny you look when you’re about to piss yourself, Ax?”
He flipped his partner off but remained quiet.
Fane angled me toward him and captured my jaw, scrutinizing me. He didn’t need to see the tears almost brimming over to know how hurt I was. He felt it through the bond.
I expected him to lecture me or tell me to suck it up. Instead, he used his sleeve to wipe the demon blood from my face.
A tear slipped free at his kindness—something so rare these days—and I mouthed a thank you.
He gave a quick nod. “Is this your first run-in with fortyno demons?” Fane asked, his attention sliding to Kortney.
“Unfortunately, no.” She pulled out a bag of Whither dust and sprinkled it on the sub-demons. Soon, their bodies would start to sizzle and smoke, eventually evaporating to ash. “We’ve encountered a whole host of sub-demons that have never been on Earth, not to our knowledge.”
Axel had his own bag of Whither, scattering the dust over the dead demons. “Word is, Vlehull, the city closest to the Underworld gate in Bonaventure Cemetery, is falling apart and being overrun by sub-demons.”
Fane and I shared a look, knowing why. Princess Venna wanted the title of a ruler and none of the responsibilities. At least Karn had cared about the city. When I slipped into the Underworld on my fated mission, Vlehull had been a thriving place with families and demon kids running around.