Dante’s smile vanished, and his nostrils flared as he sniffed the air, probably realizing who the male scent clinging to me belonged to.
“Unless you’d like to flirt with her some more.” The lethal threat twisted around Fane’s words like barbed wire.
He was such a possessive prick. He wouldn’t admit to wanting me, but he got all growly anytime another guy even looked at me for too long.
A string of curses burst between Dante’s teeth. “Sorry. I didn’t realize?—”
“Now you fucking do.” One of Fane’s arms disappeared as he dug his wallet out of his back pocket. “How much is her tab?”
“I’ll be right back.” The bartender dashed away almost as fast as a vampire.
I elbowed Fane off and spun toward him, scowling. “Was that necessary? Did you have to come in here and make a big scene?” I motioned to the patrons staring at us. “You know I hate being the center of attention.”
He leaned so close his warm breath danced over my lips. “Could have fooled me. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve found you surrounded by males.”
“Go to hell, Maverick.” I shoved him back and jumped from the stool. “The only reason you care is because you can’t stand the thought of someone ruining your chance to murder me, right?”
His eyes narrowed, the pupils thinning ever so slightly. “I wouldn’t say that’s the only reason, fiera mika.”
Heat fueled by fury brewed in my gut. The bastard liked to toy with me, stringing me along but never really giving me what I wanted. When I stepped around him, he snatched my arm to haul me back.
“You’re not going anywhere without me. You snuck out of the compound again, and I can’t trust that you won’t run off.”
I yanked out of his grip. “I’m going to the bathroom, asshole. Do you really need to hold my hand while I pee?”
“If you’re gone more than five minutes, I’ll come looking for you.” His teeth flashed within the twisted smile. “I can find you anywhere, Teague.”
“How could I forget?” I marched away, ignoring the stares following me to the women’s restroom.
When I returned to the bar after finishing in the restroom, that fury in my stomach intensified as the three females who’d been talking about Barric surrounded Fane. The twitch to his lips made it clear he felt the rage through our link.
This motherfucker…
As I marched toward the cozy group, Greta had the nerve to glide her hand down his torso and then encircle his forearm. That was enough to have the entire bar coated in a red haze.
“Remove your hand before I do it for you.” The threatening growl building in the back of my throat roughened my voice.
The other two were smart enough to step away from Fane, but the blonde clearly had a death wish because she only flashed a saccharine smile.
“We’re just getting to know each other.” She tossed her ringlets over her shoulder and fluttered her lashes at the demon shifter. “Having a friendly little chat.”
My brain switched over, running on shifter instincts, and I shoved between Greta and Fane, ripping her hand off him. “Don’t touch him.”
Fane’s low chuckle only pissed me off more. “Is someone jealous?”
The bastard was actually enjoying this.
Greta shook her hand out. “You two aren’t claimed to each other, so don’t get bent out of shape.” She had the balls to blow Fane a kiss. “Maybe you’re not enough to satisfy his primal needs. Maybe he needs a little more help in that department.”
Lava erupted through my bloodstream, and my senses sharpened, my pupils thinning into slits as my shifter and demon side bubbled toward the surface. “He’s mine.” The deadly snarl burst from my teeth as a flood of power erupted through the bar.
Greta stumbled back as she felt it, and the color blanched from her face. “What the hell?”
“Stay the fuck away from him.” I stepped forward as her knees began to tremble from the invisible force flowing out of me.
Fane grabbed my waist, trapping me against his chest. “You’ve made your point, Teague.”
“I don’t think I have, Maverick.”