Page 120 of Savage Claim

I smacked his hand away and marched toward the lab, toward my possible death. “Go to hell, Ruin.”

Cold metal bit into my arms and legs as I struggled against the chains binding me to the table in Ruin’s lab. They were obviously imbued with magic, or I would have been able to break free. Of course, if I did that, all Ruin had to do was press one little button on his phone, and Hawk would be a dead man.

“Fane! Fane!” I tried screaming his name again but received no answer. Were we too far apart, or had Ruin done something to him? Logan could very well have played me too.

As panic rushed through my veins at the thought of Fane hurt, I searched the lab for the demon lord. “Where’s Fane? Did you do something to him?”

“Of course not, beautiful. Fane’s my friend,” Ruin said from somewhere. “He and Logan are in Illyria to remove Kaspin’s spell. I didn’t lie about that. I want you two kids to finally be together.”

A bitter laugh burst out. “Fane won’t be friendly when he discovers the truth.”

He appeared above me, his navy hair falling forward and caressing those sharp cheekbones. “I’m going to make sure all these nasty memories that paint me in a terrible light are compelled right out of you.” He tapped my forehead. “Everything will return to normal, and Fane will never suspect a thing.”

Not if I could get him a message before that happened.

“You won’t be able to communicate with him.” He motioned his hand around the room, pointing out several sigils drawn in blood on the walls. “Nadia has guaranteed that these will block your link to Fane for a while. I can’t have him busting in here and ruining my plans.”

My heart sank, and some of the strength leeched from my muscles. “I hate you.”

“I’m loyal to my people, Tate. And if demons have another energy source to remain on Earth, that protects human lives. Don’t you want that?” He leaned down again and rested his elbow near my ear. “And don’t act so high and mighty. When you were in Karn’s captivity, you chose to kill two humans to save your friend, or who you thought was your friend.”

The blood drained from my cheeks. “That’s not the same thing.”

He twisted a lock of my hair around his long finger. “I want to help my people.”

“What do you get out of it?” Fane had been right all along. Ruin wasn’t doing this out of the goodness of his heart. He had a much more nefarious and selfish reason. No doubt about it.

“The satisfaction of being a hero to demons. And maybe a little something else.”

A commotion erupted across the lab, and footsteps echoed on the stairs. “Out of my way, or I will rip your throat out.”

Every cell in my body went into hyperfocus as another enemy entered the room, his presence pressing against my sternum like an invisible weight.

“I told you not to come.” Ruin pushed to a standing position, folding his arms over his chest. “We’ve already discussed this matter, and I’m not budging.”

Murder pulsated around Barric as his glare drilled into me. “I want her dead.”

“And I told you that wasn’t happening.” Ruin spoke calmly as if they weren’t discussing my imminent demise. “That was never part of the deal.”

Alpha power flowed out of the shifter, attempting to suffocate me. “That was before I knew she was my cursed offspring.” His sharp teeth flashed. “She never should have been born.”

“Well, she was.” Ruin brushed the hair back from my face, his touch making my skin crawl. “You should be proud to have a daughter as strong as Tate. And she’s a shifter now. What’s the problem?”

Barric’s shoulders shook, threatening to tear out of his burgundy button-down shirt. “Being bitten doesn’t make her a real shifter. If anything, she’s even more of an abomination. And she’s the reason my mate is dead.”

“Fuck you, Barric!” I snapped. “My mother is dead because you killed her, you psycho, delusional asshole.”

The head alpha’s hand darted out, his claws extended to rake down my throat, but Ruin caught his wrist before he could touch me.

“Don’t test me, Barric.” The high demon’s voice dropped so low that it rattled my bones. “Tate being your daughter doesn’t change our deal. You kept her safe these last few months, so I appreciate that, but you have no say in her fate.”

That was why Barric had insisted that I stay in Silver Ridge. Ruin wanted him to protect me—and the Infernal Sol.

“I should have every say in the matter, Ruin.” He yanked out of the high demon’s grasp. “I held up my end of the bargain and provided you with names of the shifters you could take while hiding your secret. Once you get that demon amulet out of her, she belongs to me.”

The atmosphere around Ruin thickened as his eyes blackened, and his flesh paled and stretched over those sharpening cheekbones. His true face emerged from behind his beautiful mask. “You’re not in charge, Barric. I am. All you did was give me names to help cleanse your shifters, but I’ve been the one moving the chess pieces. I’m the one who ensured Tate would be here in my lab now, ready to hand over this amulet. I’ve done everything to reach this moment, and I won’t have you ruin my plans for your prejudiced Collective Hunt bullshit.”

As Ruin’s words sank in, a realization dawned on me, and the lab spun in a sickening whirlwind of white and silver. A bitter taste coated the back of my mouth, and I had to swallow quickly to keep from puking.