Page 119 of Savage Claim

“Sacrifices must be made for the greater good.”

My nostrils flared as more fire coated my veins. “I’d rather suffer with this thing inside of me for the rest of my life than ever let you have it.”

His head tilted to the side and tsked. “You will give me the Infernal Sol.” He curled his fingers for me to approach. “I want to show you something.”

I gave a humorless laugh. “I’m not going anywhere near you.”

Ruin rolled his eyes and showed his palms. “I’m not going to hurt you. Besides, there’s nowhere to run. You can’t escape.”

Wrath bolted by his brother, his head flicking left and right as he checked the cells. He clearly knew what his brother was up to. It must have been a twin thing. He finally stopped in front of one, cursing.

My pulse skyrocketed. Did Ruin lock up Fane to force my compliance? Had the whole trip to Illyria to remove Kaspin’s spell been a ruse?

I darted down the hall, my boots screeching to a halt and my heart dropping to the bottom of my stomach. It wasn’t Fane.



Terror ripped my heart to shreds as the familiar figure behind the glass hunched over the cot, his head in his hands. “Hawk!” I beat on the glass to get his attention.

The raven bolted up and rushed to the glass. “Tate! What’s going on? Are you involved in this?”

I swiveled to Ruin as he approached, my teeth grinding. “Let him go.”

“No can do, beautiful.” He wiggled his fingers at Hawk, taunting him. “He’s my insurance policy.”

I reached deep inside, searching for the dark power that had been silent since Fane and I claimed each other, not caring what happened to me. I had to save Hawk and stop Ruin.

The high demon lord tsked. “I wouldn’t do that, Tate.”

“Why?” I asked, still attempting to reach the Infernal Sol.

He jerked his chin toward Hawk. “Do you see that door in your friend’s cell? It leads into the next one.”

I slowly inched to the right to see the royal demon pacing in the next cell. Her flesh was ghostly pale, teeth and talons extended, and no reason in her black, impenetrable eyes. Only bloodlust and hunger.

The warmth drained from my body as I realized what Ruin would do. “You bastard.”

He shrugged. “Call me what you want, but I’m trying to improve the world, and I need cooperation. If you don’t comply, I’ll be forced to open that door and let the demon in with Hawk.” He gave a long sigh. “No weapons and a starving, crazed royal demon? The odds aren’t good for your friend.”

How could I have let myself believe Ruin was a good guy? His betrayal was as bad if not worse than Coltrane’s. He almost had my own damn murderous father beat. Actually, maybe he was worse. The two were in cahoots, after all.

Ruin had turned out to be like so many others in my life. He only wanted to use me, and I was nothing but a means to an end.

“You’re worse than Venna and Karn,” I spat. “At least they didn’t pretend to be my friend to get what they wanted.”

He scoffed. “I am your friend, Tate, and I’m the same guy you care about. Nothing has changed.”

“Everything has changed.” I turned to Hawk as he leaned against the glass, listening to our conversation. He wouldn’t stand a chance against the royal if Ruin let her into his cell. “I’ll get you out of here, Hawk. I promise.”

He frantically shook his head. “Don’t do anything crazy. I’m not worth it.”

A click echoed, followed by a whoosh. “Get in the cell, Wrath.” When his brother didn’t move, Ruin heaved a dramatic sigh. “I’ll let this demon in with Hawk, and his blood will be on your hands. Is your revenge more important than an innocent’s life? Warin wouldn’t approve.”

The venom in Wrath’s snarl was potent enough to kill a hundred demons. I was surprised Ruin could bear the weight of it without hunching over. “Don’t ever say his name again.” Wrath walked toward the cell, never taking his eyes off his brother. “You’re going to get yours one day, Ruin, and I hope I’m there when someone finally wipes that smug smile off your fucking face.”

Ruin chuckled. “It’s good to have hopes and dreams, Wrath, no matter how out of reach they are.” As soon as Wrath was locked in the cell, Ruin held his hand out for me. “Shall we?”