Page 115 of Savage Claim

A soft smile curved his lips. “We don’t need to worry about Soulvation right now. This is about you. Let’s focus on getting this thing out.”

My hand rested below my ribs where the sun tattoo inked my skin. I really hoped this spell worked. I couldn’t go on with this power tempting me. Last night, I’d almost lost myself forever. Fane claiming me was the only thing that brought me back.

“I’m delighted Fane finally removed his head from his ass and claimed you.” He chuckled. “We all knew it was inevitable.”

“He only did it to break the amulet’s hold.”

Ruin scoffed. “That was just his excuse.”

“Maybe.” I stared at my legs, my heart aching for him.

Ruin’s long fingers gripped my chin and tilted my face toward his. “He’ll be okay. And once the spell is broken, he’ll hurry back to your side.”

“What if it can’t be broken without Kaspin?” I asked, barely keeping the tears at bay. “What if it doesn’t work?”

“Then we’ll figure something out.” He motioned his hand around the lab. “I’m a high demon lord with alchemists, demons, and witches at my disposal. We’ll find a way to stop Fane’s murderous urges. I promise.”

I choked back the growing lump in my throat as the lab blurred. “Thanks for always helping us, Ruin. You’re one of my best friends.”

He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever been friend zoned before.”

My laugh was muffled against his chest. “There’s a first time for everything.”

The demon lord drew back, a crooked grin on his lips. “I’m glad you and Fane are smoothing things out, but I’m jealous as hell of him. If you two ever decide to have a threesome, I better be your first choice.”

Heat flooded my cheeks as wicked images of being lavished by both nightworlders sped through my mind. Hell would freeze over before Fane would ever be cool with that.

Footsteps sounded on the stairs, and Nik, the head of Ruin’s security team, marched into the lab and headed toward the high lord. The dux demon was full of thick, solid muscles that threatened to burst through the black fabric of his clothes.

“Ruin, we have a small issue that needs your attention,” he said, his blue demon eyes burning against his bronze complexion.

Ruin met him a few feet away, and Nik held his phone out to show him something on the screen. “What a bold motherfucker.”

Nik nodded, his spiky blond hair barely moving. “I thought you’d like to take care of it before we did.”

“Is everything okay?” I asked as tension radiated from the demon lord.

His vibrant gaze lifted to mine. “Stay put, beautiful. I just need to pluck an annoying thorn from my side before we start this spell.”

He and Nik vanished up the stairs, and Denton went through a door on the right, mumbling something about test results. He probably went to retrieve a needle to get a quick blood sample.

Now that Ruin and Denton were gone, Estella’s scowl deepened. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to be—anywhere but here with you.” She placed her tablet on the shiny metal counter.

I flipped her off as she passed by the table. “Like I want to be stuck with you either.”

Her long emerald braid swung while she vanished up the stairs.

I thought her jealousy would wane when she learned Fane and I were mated, but the pretty dux demon still hated my guts.

Did Ruin even realize she was batshit crazy for him? Maybe someone should clue him in.

A door around the corner opened, and I expected another alchemist to wander in. Instead, it was Ruin.

“How did you?—”

“Come with me now.”

My brows slammed down as I took in the high demon, dressed in a different black suit and his blue hair a shade lighter.