Page 105 of Savage Claim

He sighed, his eyes drooping. “I’m okay. Tate saved me.”

Tingles crackled over my scalp, and my head cocked to the side. “More demons approach the back. I can feel them.”

Fane’s expression hardened as he peered into the distance, cursing. “More are coming from the front too.”

“Divide and conquer, my beautiful beast.” I gripped his face and pulled him into a quick yet savage kiss. “I’ll see you on the other side.”

I bolted out of Fane’s grip before he could catch me. Wrath and Kesa were in the back, keeping the demons at bay, but they couldn’t fight the newcomers on their own.

A wide smile laced my lips as my hunger for violence deepened. I’d love to slaughter every last monster who dared step foot in this yard.

The next half hour or so was a blur of black blood, carnage, and brutality. Fear mingled in the air as half the demons had fallen from their own nightmares. Body parts littered the ground, and bedlam churned in my mind.

Such a wonderful time.

When the screams faded, and no more enemies approached, I reveled in the aftermath of battle, dancing in front of the fire as it blazed and crackled into the night. The blood of my victims anointed me, bathing me with their life.

“Tate, you should let us check your injuries.” The high demon, Wrath, slowly approached. “You’re bleeding.”

My clothes were torn, and scarlet mingled with the black demon blood, but I felt no pain. “I’m perfectly fine.”

He shook his head and shortened the distance between us, almost close enough to touch. “I’m serious. I don’t want you to—” As a haze converged over his eyes, he searched the yard with jerky, erratic movements.

“So much blood. So many parts.” Wrath trembled and spun in a circle. “Nowhere to go without crushing bones.”

My madness was catching, leaking out like a cloud of poisonous gas.

What a wonderful thought.

Wrath stumbled back, his hands pressing on either side of his head until his gaze finally cleared. “Shit. You are in a bad way, Tate.”

I twirled and danced as figures moved to the back. “I’m so much better now. Don’t worry. The fight is over, and we can all enjoy the party.”

“I don’t think anyone else wants to celebrate,” Wrath muttered. “Not like you.”

One of the wolves, Preston, ran toward me. “Tate! You saved Dylan.”

Wrath tried to grab him, but the wolf had too much momentum and crashed into me. I gripped him as we stumbled.

“Come to party?”

Preston stiffened when the effects hit him, and he drew away, his eyes wild and unfocused. “W-what’s happening? Why are they all looking at me? What do they want from me?”

His fears began to bubble and overflow, mixing into an incomprehensible nightmare. Before they overwhelmed him, Wrath dragged him several feet back to a safe distance.

Shaking off the daze, Preston cursed. “What the hell was that?”

“That is the side effect of her saving your brother.” Wrath pulled him farther away. “Tate’s not herself now.”

Fane stormed from the back door, heading directly for me with Ephraim on his heels.

“No!” Wrath rushed forward to block his path. “Stay away from her. That power is causing madness.”

The demon shifter shoved Wrath off and continued toward me. “I don’t give a shit.”

When he made it to me, he cradled my face, his bare chest heaving. “You’re hurt.”

My brows dipped as I studied him. Unlike the others, Fane wasn’t affected by the waves of insanity throbbing around me. “You’re not influenced.”