Page 75 of Savage Claim

“Fane,” I hissed, elbowing his ribs.

The raven bowed and palmed his nape. “I deserve that.” He blew out a heavy breath. “I really am sorry, Tate.”

“I know.” He should be sorry for his part in this, but he could only hold so much of the blame.

Gia moved to Hawk’s side and patted his arm. “We’ll get everything sorted out. I promise.”

He forced a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. I really hoped he’d work through his anger and return to the happy guy I used to know, at least a little. We weren’t enemies, and we’d probably never be best friends again, but maybe we could meet somewhere in the middle.

“Well, I can say thank you.” Barric ignored Coltrane as he approached Hawk and Gia, shaking their hands. “Keep me updated on the investigation. I’m sure someone will need to speak to Ruin and me both.”

“I’ll call tomorrow with an update,” Gia said.

As Barric walked by, he unzipped his leather jacket, revealing a fitted button-down shirt with The Collective Hunt symbol stitched on the left breast pocket.

My pulse skyrocketed, and I froze, unable to look away.

“Everything okay, Tate?” the head alpha asked with a purposefully blank expression.

“Y-yeah.” I swallowed hard and shoved my trembling hands behind my back. “Just tired.”

He gave a smile that sent chills down my scalp. “Let’s get home then. You can get plenty of rest.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Fane asked in my head as we settled into the back seat of the SUV while Jax drove and Barric took the front passenger seat. His beta and a few others in his council had been waiting outside Corvin Manor in case the situation escalated. “Why are you freaking out?”

I wiped a dribble of cold sweat off my forehead. “I’m guessing you can’t see the tree symbol on Barric’s shirt.”

His brows furrowed as he peered into the front. “No, I can’t. Are you sure you’re not hallucinating?”

“I wish.” I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. “He’s taunting me.”

Fane cursed out loud, his teeth grinding so hard the vibrations traveled through the bond.

“Everything okay back there?” Barric asked as he swiveled around to scrutinize us. “You seem a little nervous, Tate.”

I was nervous. He was testing me to find out if I really could see that mark. Of course, that wouldn’t make sense to him because I was a bitten shifter.

Fane clamped his hand on my thigh, holding me steady. “She’s nervous because of me.” He flashed a crooked smile. “Shortly before she got herself locked up, we had a, uh, moment together.”

Barric sniffed the air, realization crossing his face. “Oh. I see.”

Heat flooded my cheeks, and I internally groaned. Apparently, I still smelled like Fane and sex.

Kill me now.

Jax’s laughter echoed from the driver’s seat. “It’s about time. You two have been dancing around each other for months, the sexual tension oozing every time you’re in a room together.”

I slumped in the seat as the hot blush reached the tips of my ears. “I’m so glad my sex life amuses you, Jax.” Was he part of The Collective? As Barric’s beta, it would make sense, but Jax didn’t seem like the type.

Neither did Barric.

At least, I hadn’t thought so.

“You two have a complicated relationship.” Barric’s amber eyes flicked to the mirror. “I’m happy you’re moving in a better direction. Living in denial about your feelings is torture.”

“Yeah. Torture.” Fane slid the hair away from my neck, examining the finger-shaped bruises I was trying to hide. His lips thinned, and I felt a wall sliding back into place between us.

I grabbed his hand and shook my head. “You can’t go back to pretending you want me dead. I know you care. You admitted it, so save yourself the trouble, Maverick.”