“You can’t be serious.” The rage brimmed over like boiling water left on the stove too long. “You can’t string him along just to hurt me. And you’re putting him in danger out there!”
“Get real, Tate.” She set her glass down and smoothed her dress. “If Hawk gets hurt or dies in the field, it’s on your hands.”
She really didn’t give a damn about him.
The ticking time bomb within me finally erupted, and I crushed my fist into her cheek. Her shocked expression was priceless, blood spurting out of her nose. The release of anger and violence also yanked the amulet forward so fast I didn’t have time to battle for control. The dark part of me simply took the reins, disintegrating all my morals and leaving only that sinister presence.
As that delicious, menacing magic filled my body, I gripped Roxie by the throat, yanked her off the couch, and slammed her on the coffee table. The bottles of Rapture scattered, and the two cocktail glasses shattered on the ground.
“Look what I caught.” The voice coming out of my mouth was a distorted version of my own. “A little raven who flew too far from the nest. Your unkindness is nowhere to be found to save you from a monster born from the fears of men. Their screams are music as will yours be.” I crawled on top of her.
Roxie fought and kicked, attempting to buck me off. “You psycho. Get off me!”
“I don’t like that word.” I slammed the back of her head against the thick glass top, stilling her. “It doesn’t aptly describe what I am or what I’m capable of.” As the slow smile melted across my lips and more of my demon side emerged with the amulet, pushing the shifter aside, the color drained from Roxie’s cheeks.
“What are you?” she whispered.
I lowered over her, running a talon down her cheek. “Nightmares.”
The raven’s eyes glazed over as I grasped her mind, cracking it open to pull out a fear. This was different than what I’d done before. She was hypnotized.
No. Not exactly.
Roxie was under my compulsion.
A surprised chuckle burst from my lips. I didn’t know I had that ability.
When I’m in charge, you can have that. And so much more.
The wicked me sounded like the devil, offering me a trade for my soul.
Don’t be so dramatic. You wanted to hurt her, so you called me forward to do it.
Someone cleared his throat, and I turned as the handsome demon lord loomed over us.
“I heard there was a situation in the VIP room.” His smile could make stars fall from the heavens just to be near him. “I can’t say I’m surprised to find you in the middle of it, Tate. I did tell you to get into trouble.”
I dragged my claws down Roxie’s cheek again, the raven motionless beneath me. “She’s a bad birdie and should be punished. And I’m hungry.”
His lips pursed. “Hungry for what?”
Good question. I wanted to consume her fears, but another craving brewed in me.
“Her soul?” Ruin offered as if he recognized the need I couldn’t quite discern.
“Yeah, I think so.”
Roxie’s faint whimper only spurred my hunger.
The demon lord tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and gently ran his thumb over my cheekbone. “If that’s what you want, take some.”
My beast would have convinced me to shove the thirst down. Not Ruin. He encouraged me to make trouble. He understood my darkness and wouldn’t tame it. He wanted me to unleash it.
“Go ahead, beautiful,” he purred, tilting my head toward Roxie’s. “I’ll watch over you and ensure you don’t take too much.”
The Infernal Sol hummed within me, delighted at the high demon’s attention. Without further coaxing, I grabbed Roxie’s jaw and pried her mouth open. In Bonaventure Cemetery, I’d taken a dainty sip of her before, but I was stopped too early.
I gripped her soul from within and inhaled the intoxicating substance. A moan spilled out as the hit of ecstasy infiltrated my veins.