Page 10 of Savage Hunt

The warden cocked that pierced eyebrow. “Were you thinking about him? And I thought you only had eyes for Fane Maverick.”

Heat rushed into my cheeks, and I squirmed in the seat. “It’s not like that.” I folded my arms. “You just remind me of him.”

His lips pursed. “I’ve heard that before, but don’t worry. I don’t take offense.”

“If anything, it’s a compliment. You should be so lucky.”

He stood and walked to a small bar in the corner, his office something out of a gothic manor with dark wood, baroque wallpaper, and shadows where ghosts would hide. “Are you close with Ruin?”

“What? No. I just know him.” I dragged my fingers through my tangled locks, catching on knots that would probably never come out.

Demarcus poured something into a glass, strolled to my side of the desk, and placed the cup in front of me. “Lemonade?”

My brows slammed down even as my mouth watered. “How did you know…?”

His lips slanted in a crooked smile that was both creepy and sexy. “Like I said, Ms. Teague, I know everything.”

I kept my hands in my lap as he returned to his cushy leather chair. Why didn’t he refer to me as prisoner 487331? Was he trying to get in my head? Did he want something from me?

Most people did.

“It’s not poisoned,” the warden said, sipping his drink, some blue concoction. When I refused his offering, he grabbed the crystal tumbler, put it to his lips, and swallowed. “See? Nice and refreshing.”

My mouth begged me to chug the sweet and sour liquid I’d developed a craving for after Fane turned me. Stale, lukewarm, and dirty water was the only thing I’d had in months. Finally, I couldn’t resist temptation and snatched the glass, gulping it. My tastebuds rejoiced and partied on my tongue.

“I know about the Infernal Sol.”

The warden’s words had me choking on lemonade. “What?” Panic sliced through my insides. Oh shit. Venna wasn’t the only one who wanted the amulet. Was this why he allowed her to bring me to Heldrok? Did he want a piece of the ancient magic?

“I don’t care about that.” He grabbed my empty glass and went to the bar to refill it. “I have no interest in the Infernal Sol, but Ruin does.”

I slammed my fist into my chest to clear my airways. “Pretty much anyone who finds out I have it wants it.”

Demarcus took his seat. “But Ruin wanted it before the amulet chose to hide within you. He hired Fane Maverick, and the demon shifter sold you to the high lord.”

My eyes narrowed. “He didn’t sell me.”

“Do you defend him because of this mysterious bond? I know it’s more than Fane biting you.” He motioned his finger to my neck tattoo. “You both have developed lots of little abilities.”

The color drained from my face, and the lemonade in my stomach roiled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He tsked. “Don’t worry. This secret will stay with me. Venna will never know the depths of your bond with Fane. I don’t particularly like the royal. Actually, I can’t stand her.”

“Then why are you letting her torture Fane and me?”

“Unfortunately, I owe her a favor, and this is what she requested.” He lifted his hands as if to say the matter was entirely out of his control. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t allow her into Heldrok unless it was in a cell. I’m not a total monster.”

I scoffed. “You just let Fane’s mother rot in here for no reason.”

“Ah, yes, Kesandra.” His mouth curved into a smile that almost warmed his eyes. Almost. “She’s a lovely creature. I’m glad she’s free of this place.”

“Why didn’t you just let her out if you think she’s so lovely?”

He sighed and laced his fingers on the large desk. “I may be the warden, but there are certain things even I can’t do here.” His gaze danced around his office as if someone invisible was watching.

“How convenient.” I gulped the lemonade, knowing it would be the last good thing I tasted for a while.

The warden sipped his blue drink and slowly licked his lips. “Believe me or not. I don’t care.”