Page 97 of Savage Hunt

As the meeting began, the visiting alphas arrived. Camus failed to mention that Alpha Saint was also hot as hell. Ebony curls tumbled around his rugged, sun-kissed face, and silvery eyes burned between a pair of sooty lashes. As Ephraim led him into the meeting room, Saint’s attention pulled toward me. And lingered.

Throughout the meeting, the young alpha glanced my way multiple times. When Fane slid into the chair next to mine while a low growl built in his throat, I started to think Camus might have been right.

I fought back a smile as Fane leaned closer. The faint scent of paint drifted from him, and dots of black, gray, navy, and white splattered his hands. He must have been in his art studio earlier. Hopefully, he was working out his rage on a new canvas, one he’d probably never show me.

“Why has no one else from your pack gone missing, Camus?” The other alpha, a female, tapped her tan fingers against her glass. Her caramel hair was cut into a blunt bob similar to Amelia’s, but her features weren’t nearly as harsh. “You seem to be the only pack within our region that hasn’t been effected with the exception of Joseph Morrice.”

Camus showed his palms before placing them back on the table. “I have no idea, Gerry. We have multiple sentries patrolling our territory day and night. Maybe the culprits have given up on breaking through our defenses.”

She scoffed. “Our pack is larger, and we have twice as many patrols, yet more of our members have vanished.”

“Your territory is also bigger,” Saint pointed out, his deep, husky voice pouring warmth down my spine. “There are bound to be holes in your defenses.”

The tiny muscles in Fane’s jaw ticked as if he knew I enjoyed the sound of the young alpha’s voice.

Gerry smoothed her white t-shirt. “Or if demons are involved, perhaps you have a mutual friend that has kept your pack safe.” Her dark eyes flickered toward Fane.

My instincts kicked in, and I opened my mouth to defend him, but the Mohan alpha spoke first.

“Don’t throw around accusations, Gerry.” A vein in his temple pulsed. Everyone knew who she was referring to, and some probably agreed. “Besides, Fane and his mate haven’t even been in this realm for the last year.”

Saint’s gaze snapped to mine and then Fane’s as the demon shifter casually angled a millimeter closer.

“If you have any other theories that hold water, I’d love to hear them, Gerry.” Camus’s stern, brisk tone shut down any more of the female alpha’s unfounded allegations against Fane.

“I may have something.” Saint clasped his hands on the table. “I’ve noticed that everyone missing from my pack is a bitten wolf and not born. The same is true for the mixed shifter pack on my left and the panthers on my right.”

Gerry studied her notebook for several moments. “I think you’re right, Saint. I didn’t notice until now.” Her head lifted, and she looked back at Camus. “Was Joseph bitten?”

“Yes, he was.” Camus dragged his hand down his face. “Why would they only go after bitten shifters, and how would they be able to pick them out? Only shifters can tell a difference.”

“A witch could probably cast a spell to find out,” Julia said, sitting a few chairs down from Camus.

Could someone be singling bitten shifters out for some reason? Did they have something born ones didn’t?



I peered through the glass French doors that led to the wooded backyard, absentmindedly searching for enemies. Camus said they had a tight schedule of patrols day and night to keep foes out, but Venna was no ordinary demon. What if she discovered I was here and demolished their defenses to get to me?

People would get hurt, and their blood would be on my hands.

When the meeting ended, Camus insisted I stay for refreshments. I had no idea why. No one talked to me except Julia and Ephraim. Fane brooded in a corner while Marissa sneered at me, and Dominic undressed me with his eyes as he shoveled down food at the table with Amelia.

No wonder that woman hated me. Julia informed me that she was Dominic’s mother.

“Excuse me, Tate, is it?”

The reflection of a tall, gorgeous guy behind me almost had me choking on my spit. “Uh, yeah.” I turned to face Alpha Saint.

“We’ve never met before.” He extended his large hand as a kind smile pulled his lips apart. “I’m Saint.”

For someone as powerful and good-looking as him, I expected him to be a total douche, but he seemed polite, respectful, and gentle. Of course, if he was an alpha, he wasn’t always gentle. “Nice to meet you.”

He picked up the two glasses he’d placed on a nearby table and passed me one. “I thought you might like some lemonade.” He gave a shy laugh when he noticed my perplexed expression. “I saw you drinking some earlier, and you seemed to enjoy it.”

Ice clinked against the sides of the glass as I took it. So he’d been watching me? “Thanks.”