Page 96 of Savage Hunt

A vein throbbed in Fane’s forehead as he scowled at his cousin’s arm wrapped around my shoulders. “Like I care.”

Preston snorted. “Right. That’s why you look like you want to rip my face off.”

With one final glower, Fane marched out of the house, his rage and confusion still soaking the room long after he vanished.

Amelia glared when I entered the meeting room in Camus’s house as council members took their seats at the long, mahogany table. Her lips pulled into a snarl, and if I was closer, I would have felt the vibrations of her growl. Torrance, the older wolf who held the beta position before Dorian and after Fane’s dad, didn’t openly hate me, but he wasn’t welcoming either.

Camus had called the Anders’ house to invite me to a meeting with two visiting alphas from nearby packs to discuss the missing shifters. Even though I was curious, part of me wished he hadn’t. I wasn’t in the best state of mind to endure scathing looks and sneers, especially after Fane showed up at the house last night, ready to murder me.

“What is she doing here?”

My ears wanted to bleed at the sound of Marissa’s haughty voice. She stood at the head of the table as if she planned to take her father’s seat. She’d make a horrible alpha, even worse than her mate Dorian, who wasn’t in attendance.

Not a surprise, considering Camus stripped him of his beta title.

“Maybe someone should put her in her place.” Malice gleamed from Dominic’s green eyes, and his smile sent chills down my back. “Outside in the trash.”

I covertly flipped him off. “Wow. Never heard that one before.” He’d have to do a lot better than that to make me slink away with my tail between my legs.

Marissa flicked raven curls behind her shoulder and sashayed toward me, grimacing like she tasted something horrible. “I heard there’s trouble in paradise.”

Heat flooded my cheeks, but I kept my expression blank. Did her father tell her about the spell on Fane? “What’s the point in life if everything is easy? I like a challenge. It makes things more exciting.” Total bullshit.

“Fane wants to kill you instead of fuck you.” The alpha’s daughter folded her arms and chuckled. “I’d say that’s more than a challenge.”

“It’s just a spell. It’ll pass.” I gave a noncommittal shrug. “And he still wants me. You know what they say about love and hate. It’s a thin line.” That wasn’t bullshit.

Blood rushed to her cheeks, annoyed her insults didn’t faze me. “Well, Fane hates me more than anyone.”

“Not really. He barely thinks of you at all now. I’m on his mind twenty-four seven.” Most of those thoughts centered around killing me, though.

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear…

Tiny electric jolts crackled over my tattoo as Fane walked in, his presence choking the large room. All eyes tracked to him, even Marissa’s, but his focus remained on me.

I tried to slow my breaths as a myriad of emotions coiled around me. My heart crashed against my ribs while heat spread up my throat and into my face. Fane hadn’t left Mohan Wilds like I thought. Had his family tried getting through to him?

From the way his jaw clenched and his hands curled into fists, I could tell he still had the strong urge to yank the life out of me.

While Fane’s sudden presence distracted me, Marissa had crossed the room to him. Her mouth moved, but he was laser focused on me. Camus came in with a younger male who must have been his interim beta.

“Everyone, take a seat.” The alpha waved me over and pointed to one of the chairs against the wall. “I’d like you to just listen in and give me your thoughts after the meeting. I don’t want the council to start an argument over your presence while we have visiting alphas, but I would appreciate any input.”

“I’ll do anything I can to help.” I shoved my hands into my pockets to keep from fidgeting. “Why is Fane here?”

A faint smile tugged at his mouth. “He insisted on coming—after he found out you were invited.” Camus leaned toward my ear and lowered his voice. “I’m pretty sure it’s because Alpha Saint, one of our visitors, is young, powerful, and looking for a mate.”

My eyebrow arched. “Or because Fane just wants to strangle me.”

Camus shook his head and motioned the demon shifter over who had yet to acknowledge his ex-fated’s presence. My blood simmered as the demon shifter closed the gap between us.

“Can I trust you to be civil with Tate?” the alpha asked.

Fane gave a curt nod. “I’ll keep my hands to myself.”

“Good.” He pointed to a chair. “Have a seat.”

Instead of taking the one next to mine, Fane kept an empty chair between us. It was probably for the best. He might be capable of keeping his hands to himself, but I wasn’t sure I had that much restraint. We’d barely been allowed to see each other in Heldrok, and my body ached to be pressed against his.