Page 94 of Savage Hunt

“You’re the best, Dylan.” I stuck my tongue out at Preston. “He’s right. You should learn a skill or two.”

Preston motioned stabbing himself in the chest. “Dagger to the heart, Tate. I’m wounded you think so little of me.”

I laughed. “I doubt you’re that wounded. Your ego is pretty damn big.”

He shrugged as a lazy grin pulled at his lips. “True. And with reason.”

The two wolves bickered for a few minutes until the movie’s mounting tension drew us in. I finished the popcorn and set the bowl on the table as Preston grabbed a giant blanket to drape over us.

Halfway through the film, not even the raging ghosts on the screen could keep me from dozing off. It only seemed like an instant, but when I woke up, the television was black and the clock on the wall read a little after midnight. Dylan and Preston breathed evenly on either side of me, asleep.

Movement registered, and the tattoo on my neck tingled, sending my pulse racing.


Fane emerged through the shadows like a beast from the bowels of a dank, dangerous pit. His eyes glowed while the pupils were in long, thin slits, and those lethal teeth shined behind his lips as they curled back.

“What are you doing here?” His voice, so low it rattled my bones, dropped out like a blade slicing the air.



As Fane’s stare sizzled over my skin, pouring a strange combination of fear and excitement through my bloodstream, I sat up straight, trying not to disturb the two slumbering wolves on either side. The demon shifter had slipped into Mohan Wilds without notice.

He didn’t want to be seen until now. Was he ready to kill me?

“Ruin and Logan brought me back to the Anders,” I said. “I’m staying with them.”

“What do you mean back?” The tattoos on his arms twitched as his demon wolf simmered just under the surface, wanting out. “Why the fuck would you ever be with my family?”

I told him I’d been to Mohan Wilds and met his ex-fated but never went into detail. Plus, he didn’t seem to believe a word that came out of my mouth.

“We were staying here before surrendering to Venna.” I tugged the blanket down and dragged a hand over my face. “Of course you don’t remember any of that.” The spell had wiped out nearly everything after we met.

A threatening growl slid between his teeth. “I remember that you killed Warin.”

The youngest wolf stirred beside me, yawning as he woke up to the dangerous demon shifter looming over me. Dylan blinked and took a few moments to process the situation. “Fane!”

When he attempted to jump up and hug his cousin, I slammed my arm against his torso to stop him.

Fane scoffed. “I wouldn’t hurt my own family.” He cracked his neck, the pops echoing like gunshots. “It’s you I’m going to hurt.”

Dylan protectively laid his hand over my arm. “What the hell, Fane?”

Preston jumped awake, his green eyes widening when they landed on Fane. “Dylan, go to bed.”

The younger wolf’s mouth dropped. “What? Why? I’m not a kid.”

“I’m serious.” Preston tossed the blanket off and stood. “Now is not the time to argue.”

“Whatever.” Dylan gently pulled my arm aside, stood, and trudged toward the stairs. “Don’t do anything stupid, Fane. And by stupid, I mean don’t hurt Tate.”

Fane’s head yanked in his cousin’s direction, his brows furrowed at the twelve-year-old’s hard glare. “What the hell is going on?”

Preston stood in front of me, crossing his arms against his chest. “If you came here to kill Tate, you can just walk back out the door.”

“I suppose you’re going to stop me, Pres?” Fane stepped toward his cousin as raw, untamed energy pumped off him. “You really think you can take me?”