Page 92 of Savage Hunt

The alpha of the Mohan pack stood in the living room, analyzing me with a pair of luminescent green eyes while power throbbed around him. It wasn’t as intense as Barric’s, but Camus still had my knees shaking and pulse rising.

His power tested me, poking and prodding to see if I’d submit as he had the first time we met. Maybe he did this as a reflex or instinct. Or maybe he was hoping he’d be able to control me.

After several tense moments, the invisible alpha power faded, and Camus smiled. “I’m glad you’re back, Tate.”

I released a shaky breath and resisted the urge to wipe a dribble of sweat from my nape. “I’m not that easy to get rid of.”

Camus chuckled. “No, you’re not, much to my daughter’s dismay.”

I couldn’t hide the grimace at the mention of Marissa.

The late afternoon light pouring from the windows highlighted the silver threads in his ebony hair. “When I heard you were taken to Heldrok, I thought I’d never see you again.”

“Have a seat, alpha,” Julia motioned to the chair she’d been in a moment ago. “I’ll get you a drink.”

He gave a polite smile. “Thanks, Julia. Anything you have will be fine. No need to fuss about it.”

“Good because you’re getting iced tea like everyone else.” She winked.

Cirilla wiggled her fingers at the healer. “I’ll take one too, Jules.”

Julia shook her head and tugged the eccentric wolf out of the living room. “Then you can get it yourself.”

“You don’t have to be so antagonistic,” Cirilla said, her voice floating out like song melodies as her silver hair swished across her back. “I won’t step on your healer toes just because I have fae blood.”

“Those two fight like an old married couple.” Camus sat in the chair Julia vacated and returned his attention to me. “Ephraim told me you were here, so I wanted to stop by for a quick visit. I thought you’d like to know there have been no demon attacks, and no other shifters have gone missing in the Mohan pack.”

“That’s great.” At least there was one shining light in all this darkness. Fane’s family and the rest of the pack had dodged more harm since we left. That probably meant we—or just me—should stay away.

“Indeed.” Camus rolled up the sleeves of his green button-down shirt, revealing corded forearms with a plethora of faint scars like Barric Hartwell had. “I can’t thank you enough for what you did that night those sub-demons attacked. We would have lost much more if you weren’t there.”

I shrugged. “I just wanted to help.”

Lines creased his brow as he stared off into space, pensive. When his gaze finally cleared and landed on me, he sighed. “I want to apologize for that business with Dorian. I should have believed you.”

“I’m not part of your pack. Of course you would take his side over mine. I’m just glad you didn’t have your council members punish me.” I gave an awkward laugh.

Camus winced. “That meeting didn’t exactly go as planned. And Fane never would have allowed anyone to touch you.”

The mention of Fane had my stomach twisting in knots, and Camus could probably see the pain written all over my face.

“Someone has stepped in for beta temporarily until I can find a replacement, but it’s difficult to trust my judgment after the mistake Dorian turned out to be.” He rubbed the light stubble coating his jaw. “Any recommendations?”

“Nora.” She would be a hundred times better than Dorian.

He gave a dramatic groan and pinched the bridge of his nose. “She turned me down.”

“Really?” I hadn’t expected him to actually consider her.

“Ephraim too.”

Julia returned with a glass of tea and Cirilla on her heels. “Here you are, alpha.”

“Thank you.” He took the glass. “Barric has been informed that you’re here, Tate. He may stop by soon for a visit to check in on you. He was worried.”

Just great. The head alpha of Georgia thought I was dangerous before. If he knew the real evil I was capable of, he’d lock me up and toss the key.

Cirilla flounced onto the couch next to me. “I’m glad you’re out of that horrific place. I couldn’t imagine what that was like.”