Page 89 of Savage Hunt

Pangs ripped my heart apart at the gesture. I hated depending on anyone for anything, but every member of the Anders family had broken past my barriers. And, well, I really needed some shoes.

When voices echoed from the living room, I headed downstairs where Logan sat on one of the white couches, playing a video game with Dylan. As soon as the young wolf saw me, he tossed the controller aside, jumped up, and rushed to meet me at the last step.

“You’re up!” Dylan crushed me in a hug that didn’t bother me as much as it once did. “Mom wouldn’t let me wake you for breakfast. I bet you’re hungry.”

I should have been since I’d hardly eaten anything in Heldrok, but my appetite was nowhere to be seen. “Maybe just a snack.” I stepped onto the dark hardwoods and blanched at the nonexistent height difference between Dylan and me. “Whoa. Did you grow overnight?”

He grinned, pride shining in his hazel eyes. “I’m almost as tall as you. Maybe tomorrow I will be. Wolves grow fast.”

“I see that.” I ruffled his mix of caramel and copper strands. “You’re not going to bully your brother when you get taller than him, are you?”

Dylan shrugged. “Karma’s a bitch.”

Logan chuckled and tossed his controller aside now that their game was paused. “I’d say it’s fair to mess with Preston a little bit.”

“Don’t encourage him.” I shook my head and plopped down on the seat next to the high demon.

Dylan darted into the kitchen. “I made you a surprise. I’ll bring you some lemonade too.”

I choked back the lump in my throat and turned to Logan. “Any word on Fane?” If Venna blamed him for my escape or if she tossed him back into Heldrok, I wouldn’t stay in Mohan Wilds for long. I’d return to the Underworld to get him, my freedom forfeit.

Logan leaned forward and grabbed his glass of water from the table. “He’s not with Venna anymore, who is livid that you escaped, but she has no idea Fane freed you. She assumes he left to track you. She’s hoping he’ll return you to her.”

A breath of relief burst from my lungs, and I slumped against the couch cushions. “That’s good.”

“Even better, Venna is dealing with the aftermath of her little party,” he said, dragging his fingers through his golden-brown hair. “While her guests were still disoriented from the Infernal Sol’s influence, she easily slaughtered a bunch of them.”

So that was her plan all along, to use me to take out her enemies and anyone that opposed her rule in Vlehull.

“Nadia and Ruin are working on locating a trusted witch powerful enough to break Kaspin’s spell.” Logan winced. “It might not be possible without the freaky old guy himself.”

My shoulders drooped as a crushing weight settled on them. “If that’s the case, we’ll have to find a way to capture Kaspin.” That wouldn’t be easy.

“Here you go!” Dylan returned with a glass of lemonade and a crunchy-topped brownie. “It’s candied bacon and jalapeños like I made before.”

Some semblance of an appetite lurched forward. “These are so good.” My mouth watered as he passed the brownie to me. I hadn’t eaten anything spicy since the day Fane and I left Mohan Wilds to return to Ruin’s.

Dylan dropped onto the couch, sandwiching me in between him and Logan. “There are more in the kitchen. No one else can handle the heat. Even Logan got all red-faced and sweaty when he tried one.”

The high demon scoffed. “I did not. I just prefer my tongue not to be burned off.”

“Little weakling,” I said before stuffing a huge bite into my mouth, moaning at the deliciousness. “This is the best thing I’ve eaten in months.” Chocolate mixed with the sweet and salty caramel bacon, and then the spice kicked in, pushing me over the edge of food bliss.

Dylan pumped his fist. “You like me best. Just admit it, Tate.”

“Definitely,” I said around another bite. “No doubt about it.”

The door opened, and Preston and Ephraim walked in, smiling when they saw me.

“Tate, glad you’re awake.” Ephraim’s amber eyes—so much like one of Fane’s—softened as he studied me. “We’ve been so worried about you.”

I swallowed the rest of my food as heat blossomed in my cheeks. “I’m fine.” I grabbed the lemonade and chugged it to avoid speaking.

Preston waved Dylan out of the way. “Let me sit there.”

He scoffed. “I’m her favorite. Not you.”

The older wolf grabbed his little brother and plucked him off the couch. “You can’t hog her, Dyl.” Preston grinned as he sat beside me, noticing the balled-up napkin in my hand. “I see you’ve already gotten into those toxic brownies.”