Fire bubbled through my bloodstream, and the urge to smack the sense back into Fane slid around my muscles. “I was a seventeen-year-old homeless teenager! I didn’t know jack about demons, shifters, or any nightworlders until your brother lifted his face and stared at me with those black eyes as he sucked that little girl’s life away.” My chest heaved, forcing his fingers still resting over the claw marks to rub against my skin. “It was either him or me, and I chose me. I won’t keep apologizing for it.”
Fane opened his mouth, but no words came out. What could he say? That I made it all up? That I was trying to trick him?
What good would lying to him do? He was dead set on killing me anyway.
“I should just end you now. Fuck waiting on Venna to cut out the Infernal Sol.”
I grabbed his other hand with my free one and rested it on my throat. “Do it. Then no one can use the Infernal Sol to do unspeakable things. And that damn amulet can’t make me hurt anyone else either.”
“You would wish for death?” Fane’s grip slid around my neck.
“If it means saving innocent people from whatever evil that bitch wants the Infernal Sol for, then yes.”
As the demon shifter studied me, some of the rage crashing around him cooled, and his head cocked to the side. He leaned forward, his attention focused on my ribs. “What is…” He released my throat and traced the circular scars on my side. “Did that really happen? Those boys attacking you in your nightmare?”
“Yes.” Compared to some of my memories, that was pretty tame. He had no idea of the real horrors in my past, at least not with this spell screwing up his mind.
He shook his head. “You were just a kid.”
My bitter laugh bounced against the opulent walls of the room. “Monsters don’t care how old you are.”
His hand splayed on my ribs while his thumb stroked back and forth in a soothing manner. The hardness evaporated from his face, and warmth flowed from him as he surveyed the marks. The frost melted from his eyes, returning him to the Fane I last saw before Mykel dragged him across the bridge to Heldrok.
He released a soft sigh. “Fiera mika.”
Air stuck in my throat as the nickname crossed his lips. “Little rebel.” Was I getting through to him?
Fane jerked back and yanked his hand off me, his nostrils flaring. “What was that? Why did I say that?” He grabbed his head as confusion throbbed off him.
If I took his emotional pain, it would lessen the turmoil. I reached forward and rested my hand on his forearm, but before I could attempt anything, he bolted off the bed.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” His teeth sharpened, and talons sprouted from his fingertips. “Next time you do, it’ll be your last.”
Fane stormed out of the room, slamming the door so hard a picture frame fell off the wall, the glass shattering into a thousand pieces.
I took a shuddering breath. That spell hadn’t entirely wiped away his memories. Since Venna didn’t know about our strange bond, Kaspin couldn’t have accounted for that in his incantation. The truth was buried deep within Fane. And I’d do anything to get him back.
Fane had to see who the real villain was. He had to know that Venna was pulling his strings to make him her puppet.
I concentrated on the demon shifter, and tingles rushed over me as my consciousness disconnected from my body. The luxurious halls of Venna’s mansion zoomed by until I ended up in a large sitting room with shiny black walls, silver trim, and plush velvet furniture.
“You said I could have my revenge once I brought her to you.” Fane folded his arms and loomed at the edge of the black leather couch Venna lounged on, sipping red wine.
The royal demon rested the glass on the chrome coffee table and grabbed a grape from the silver platter. “You will. Once I remove the Infernal Sol, you can tear her apart to your heart’s content.”
“Why haven’t you done it yet?”
Her eyebrow lifted at Fane’s harsh tone. “Because it’s not that simple. I can’t just cut it out of her.”
Mykel pushed away from the wall, his onyx hair slicked from his cruel face. “Don’t disrespect Princess Venna. You’ll get your revenge when she’s done with the girl.”
Fane’s top lip curled into a snarl. “Was I talking to you, minion?”
The dux demon’s eyes glowed yellow as his glamour faded. “I was talking to you, mutt.”
Venna lifted a hand to shush them. “If you two want to fight, take it outside. I’m not interested in having the room demolished when I just refinished it.”
Fane opened his mouth, but his gaze swiveled in my direction. “Wh?—”