Page 7 of Savage Hunt

“What’s going on in here?” His voice floated out like smooth silk, but vicious spikes grew beneath the finery. Everyone except Sorin scurried back to their original spots.

“Nothing, Warden Demarcus.” Sorin stepped back and crossed his arms. “We were just explaining to this inmate how things worked around here.”


I swallowed hard and stared at the man with tattoos inking his neck and hands. More probably covered his body beneath that impeccable all-black attire. He reminded me of Ruin, but ice and cruelty pulsated from his irises instead of warmth like the demon lord’s. Purple locks, cut short on the sides and a tousled mess on top, gleamed in the lights along with the piercings on his eyebrow and lip. More metal spotted his ears.

“I’m sure you were only explaining things, Sorin.” He held his hand out and curled his fingers at me. “The keys, Ms. Teague.”

My lips thinned as I reluctantly dropped the ring in his palm, my escape window closing. Warden Demarcus shoved them into his pocket and tilted his head toward the door.

“Let’s go.”

As I turned to follow, Sorin’s hot breath ghosted down my nape. “This isn’t over, wolf. The warden won’t be there to interrupt next time.”

I flipped him off over my shoulder. If the Infernal Sol wasn’t hiding deep in my center, I could wipe the floor with that demon while he sobbed over his fears.

Instead of calling a guard, the warden escorted me down the stone corridor, his movements fluid and steps silent.

“Will I be punished for your guards’ carelessness.”

A barely visible smile tugged at his mouth. “You didn’t have to grab the keys and try to escape.”

“I wasn’t trying to escape,” I lied. “I just wanted to see someone.”

“Fane Maverick?”

Venna probably told him all about us. We’d never be allowed in the same damn room if the warden wanted to keep us apart.

My footsteps halted as he stopped at my cell and held the door open for me. “You’re not taking me to a torture room?”

His pierced eyebrow arched. “Would you like me to take you to one?”

I shook my head and darted into my cell, releasing a shaky breath. “Torture’s not really my thing.”

Warden Demarcus’s scrutiny made me squirm. “You seem like the type to enjoy a little torture play.” He slammed the door shut and locked me in. “Aren’t you?”

Heat crawled into my cheeks as his words created images of Fane putting binds around my wrists as he gave a wicked smile. “Why would you say that?”

His dark, silky chuckle puckered my flesh. “I make it my priority to know things about my inmates.”

I gripped the bars. “Do you know what’s wrong with those demons your guards brought in a little while ago?”

He rolled his shoulders and smoothed a wrinkle in his jacket. “Unfortunately, I don’t, but they aren’t the first I’ve encountered like that.” His gaze bored into mine. “Did you meet some as a raven in Savannah?”

My jaw slackened at his question. Did Venna or Mykel draft a whole file of facts about me? “A few.”

He nodded and stepped away from the cell. “Stay out of trouble, Ms. Teague, and you may survive Heldrok.”

“I doubt Venna will allow that.”

The warden’s expression remained blank, but something brightened those icy blue eyes for a moment. “She doesn’t run this prison. I do.” He spun and strode down the corridor.

“I want to see Fane.” My fingers tightened around the bars as his steps slowed.

Warden Demarcus glanced over his shoulder. “You’re not in a position to make demands. But maybe if you’re a good little inmate, I’ll allow a brief visit.”

Banging on my cell startled me awake, and I rolled over as a dux demon with a peach complexion and long, orange hair braided down his back stood in front of the door. “Get off your lazy ass and approach the bars.”