Page 6 of Savage Hunt


My hands trembled as I sprinted to a solid door on the right, the keys rattling as I shoved one into the lock. It didn’t work, and neither did the next two, but the third fit. When I turned it, the metallic gears unlocked, and a loud clank echoed.

Blood thundered in my ears as I yanked the door open and stepped into a small room with a couch occupied by a dark fae, a wooden table where two demons played cards, and a radio blasting heavy metal.

Was this a rec room? Heldrok had spaces for things other than torture?

A massive high demon perched on a ledge running around the entire room, his piercing blue eyes boring into me as his lips twitched into a smirk. A scar ran down the left side of his mouth, and another one sliced across his shaved, tattooed head.

“What do we have here?” He jumped down, his heavy boots planting on the ground. The blue jumpsuit strained against his shoulders and barely contained his muscles. “I smell a little wolf I’ve yet to meet. You must be new.”



The high demon’s grin lifted the hairs on my nape, and I resisted the urge to step back as power throbbed from him. The sharp tattoos stamped across his head traveled down his neck and across the bit of his shoulders revealed in the jumpsuit. Some of the black symbols reminded me of Fane’s, but these filled me with foreboding and poured unease through my veins.

“What are you doing alone without a prison guard escort?” he asked, exploring me from head to toe. “How’d you get in here, wolf?”

The dark fae on the couch leaned into the cushions and spread his arms wide. Thick, purple locks cascaded into his deceptively beautiful face. He probably used it to lure in his human victims to suck on their sexual energy. Power emanated around him even with the dampening sigil. “Look, Sorin. She’s holding a pair of prison keys. Is that how you got in here?”

Sorin released a chilling laugh as he closed the gap between us. “Tricky little wolf, aren’t you?” The tips of his boots hit mine, but I didn’t back away or flinch. “I don’t mind the company. I prefer to get to know all the pretty inmates.”

Acid oozed up my throat as his meaning swirled around us, tainting it. “I’m in the wrong room.” My teeth clenched as I spoke, my body tensing. As I turned to leave, one of the demons who’d been playing cards blocked the door.

“You’re not going anywhere.” The heat from Sorin cascaded over my back as he approached me. “Let’s get to know each other.”

“What’s your name?” The one perched against the door asked, pale blond hair curling around his cruel face. “Mine is Alister. That’s Emerick.” He ticked his head to the dark fae on the couch.

The dux demon at the table slid his finger over his bottom lip as he scrutinized me like he wanted to devour my flesh. “I’m Hanren.” He appeared mostly human except for the orange eyes, slitted pupils, and small horns protruding through crimson curls.

Sorin brushed a lock of hair behind my ear, his hand laying on my shoulder. “You can just call me master.”

I smacked his hand off as a snarl slithered out of my mouth. “Touch me again, and I’ll call you dead man.”

Excitement flashed in those blue orbs. “Is that so?” He looked me up and down. “You’re mighty small to be so daring.”

“I’m not someone who backs down. You should learn that.” I shouldn’t provoke the huge demon looming over me, especially when the room was full of his friends. One against four weren’t good odds.

Sorin’s lips curled back, revealing his teeth as dangerous energy poured from him. “And you should learn your place, shifter. I run this prison and can make your life a living hell.”

A manic laugh burst out of me. “My life is already hell.” He had no idea I was tortured daily and sometimes by a psychotic royal and her pet. “There isn’t much you can do to make it worse than it already is.”

Alister’s presence moved to my back. “Don’t be so sure about that, inmate. There’s lots Sorin can do. And when he’s done with you, we’ll get a shot.”

Sorin snorted. “I don’t know, Al. Maybe I’ll let you and Hanren join in at the same time while I teach her who owns her.”

Emerick grinned and stood from the couch, slinking toward me. “That sounds like a good time.”

“For us.” Sorin’s hand snapped out, his fingers digging into my chin. “For her? Not so much.”

I shoved him off and gripped the keys, ready to slam one in his eye. “I warned you.”

The other demon dropped the cards and marched away from the table. My pulse skyrocketed as all four males surrounded me, the air thick with anticipation and lust.

My stomach curdled as their intentions wrapped around my throat, choking me. I wouldn’t go down without a fight.

The door suddenly burst open, and a tall high demon in an ebony suit that hugged his strong, lean frame emerged. Scorching blue eyes burned holes in the guys circling me, and his jaw clenched, sharpening the edges to lethal blades that could cut flesh.