Page 50 of Savage Hunt

I dropped the barriers keeping the Infernal Sol at bay, seconds away from unleashing it when Venna yanked her pet out of my grasp.

“Not so fast, Tate.” She snatched a picture from her tight leather pants and dangled it by the tips of her black nails.

Fane’s roar pierced my eardrums as my knees threatened to give out at the image of Dylan Anders smiling for the camera. The demon shifter pulled at the chains, but the magic enchanting them kept him firmly bound against the stone wall.

“No amount of running will save you when I get free of this place, Venna.” His teeth elongated to sharp points, and his voice was barely more than a growl. “You haven’t seen all that I’m capable of, but you will.”

“Until then…” She closed the distance between us, her heels like gunshots against the cold ground. “Torture him, or little Dylan will be torn apart, piece by adorable piece.”

I never thought I could hate someone more than Mr. Bowden, but Venna quickly rose in the ranks.

“You already robbed Fane of his brother.” Her ruby lips pulled into a vicious grin. “Do you really want to take away the rest of his family, starting with the youngest?”

“Just do it, Tate. You know I can handle it.”

I stumbled for the drawer of torture devices.

Venna cleared her throat. “No, Tate. I want you to torture him with his fears.”



Every drop of warmth vanished from me, and ringing filled my ears as Venna’s words looped around my throat like a noose. I turned to Fane, my lungs barely taking in oxygen, but as his gaze met mine, it soothed the turmoil and guilt raging through me.

“It’s okay. You have to do this.”

As I approached him, I bit my trembling lip. “I don’t know if I’m capable of hurting you like that.” Even when the Infernal Sol took my body out for a spin, Fane Maverick still had a hold on me. The amulet liked his darkness as much as I did.

“You have to try,” Fane said. “Dylan’s life is on the line, and I know you love that kid.”

I hadn’t known Dylan for long, but he’d accepted me for who I was, unlike most people. Hell, all of the Anders had welcomed me with open arms even when they found out I used to be a raven. I couldn’t let any of them get hurt because of me.

“You can do this,” Fane whispered as I neared him. “I’ll make it through this. We both will.”

Mykel scoffed as he leaned in the corner. “How sweet.”

I ignored him and licked my lips, lifting my hand toward Fane’s cheek. “I’m so sorry.”

“I know.”

A tear brimmed over as I broke the barrier and submitted to the wicked power throbbing in my center. Confusion twisted around those sinister tendrils filling my veins for what I was about to do to Fane.

Are you sure we should hurt him?

We have to.

Some of the guilt faded to the background as I laid my palm on his warm cheek, his stubble scraping my skin. I didn’t have to look hard to find a fear because he didn’t fight me.

But nothing could have prepared me for what I conjured as his torment.

As a familiar high demon appeared beside Fane, I stumbled back, my heart malfunctioning. Those eyes haunted my nightmares for the last few years, currently shining blue instead of impenetrable black holes.

“How could you, brother?” A sneer curled Warin’s lips as loathing dripped from his words. “How could you be with that murderer? You’re just as sick as everyone said you were.”

The color drained from Fane’s face as his dead brother paced in front of him, disgust twisting his features.

My heart shattered into a million pieces as Warin, my victim and Jayla’s killer, berated Fane for being with me. A sob broke free even with the Infernal Sol pushing me into the backseat.