A sigh drifted out as I sagged against the wall. “For now.” I was in control while the amulet slumbered.
“The guards obviously didn’t know how to handle you.” He turned the knobs on the closest shower and dragged me under the spray. I shivered from the cold water, but he pulled me into him to keep me warm.
Having this time with him in Heldrok had given me a dose of energy and determination. We could get through this.
And then my thoughts turned to Maddie, and some of that adrenaline bled out into the drain below. “I should have known better than to be friendly to anyone, especially a raven.”
“Her death is not on your hands, Teague.” When I averted my gaze, he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. “Venna arranged this.”
The warden had said as much from his spot on the balcony, but that didn’t make it any less terrible.
“She wanted you to kill Maddie to play on your guilt. Since you refused, they killed her anyway.”
“Maddie never would have been brought into the pit if not for me.” I’d doomed her the day I sat at her table.
His lips pressed into thin lines. “Don’t let them win. Don’t let them destroy your will.” He ran his hands over my back to soothe me.
When the door opened, Gershan and another dux demon guard with massive shoulders riddled with horns appeared. Fane angled us so that he blocked me from their view.
“We’re busy,” he said as if we weren’t inmates in a nightmarish Underworld prison.
Gershan stomped in our direction, his orange braid swinging behind him. “I think you two have had long enough together. It’s time to go.”
A deadly growl vibrated Fane’s throat. “Touch her, and you’ll find out why so many nightworlders fear me.” His lips curled back to reveal his teeth. “I’ve been compliant, but after bringing her into the pit and letting Sorin suck her soul—which he obviously had help doing—I’m done being calm and nice. You’ll meet the real monster beneath this facade.”
Chills raked over my spine at his threat even though it wasn’t directed at me.
The other guard gripped Gershan’s shoulder to stop him. “We have to take you back to your respective cells, Fane. We can’t allow you to stay here.”
“We need some clothes, Inrik,” Fane said, still talking to them over his shoulder while he rubbed my back. “Ours are bloody and torn.”
Gershan and Inrik found the scraps of our jumpsuits on the ground.
“You can’t let us go out there naked.” Fane shrugged. “Not unless you want to cause another scene and then lose a bunch of guards and prisoners after I rip their throats out for staring at Teague. I am a shifter. It’s in my nature to protect my mate.”
The word mate sent a sharp thrill through my bloodstream.
Inrik sighed and dragged his fingers through his hair. “There are some clean uniforms around the corner.” He jerked his chin at Gershan.
“Teague will be in black from now on,” Fane demanded.
Gershan spun toward him. “But she’s a shifter.”
“As you can tell from what happened out there, she clearly has demon traits.” Shadows crawled through his eyes as they pierced the two guards with a dire warning. “Black suits are for anomalies, and I turned her, so she gets a black suit. And I’d like everyone in this place to be reminded of our connection when they see her.”
“All right, Fane.” Inrik shook his head when Gershan opened his mouth to argue. “She’ll get a black one.”
“But that’s not how it works,” Gershan hissed.
The other dux demon held his hand up. “The warden expected this. And I’ve known Fane for a long time. He’ll cause more trouble if we don’t give him this.”
As Gershan vanished around the corner and Inrik guarded the door, I rested my head on Fane’s chest, inhaling him and savoring our last few moments together.
“This won’t be our last, Teague. They can’t keep us apart like they have been. I won’t allow it.”