“I can’t leave without knowing what happens.”
The yellow-haired demon lunged forward and sliced his knife into Fane’s side while the other raked his talons against his back, shredding the black jumpsuit. Shouts erupted through the room, and anticipation permeated the air.
I swung my fist, and it flew right through the demon’s head. Duke tackled Fane to the ground, creating more chaos as all three inmates converged on him.
Panic sliced into my lungs. “Fane!”
The three demons attacked him, slashing and stabbing with knives and claws. My pulse pounded against my skull as the need to help hemorrhaged through my muscles. Fane was in danger, and I couldn’t do a damn thing.
Sharp, searing power stirred within me, yawning and stretching like a beast waking from a long slumber. Air lodged in my throat as that dark, addicting presence came to life.
The Infernal Sol felt my terror for Fane and finally stopped playing dead.
Moments later, a vicious roar erupted from the demon shifter as he tossed all three opponents off and climbed to his feet. Blood ran down his face and oozed out of the cuts they’d rained on his body, but from the feral, untamed look he wore, it barely fazed him.
The crowd cheered as Fane released another bone-rattling snarl, his teeth and claws shining under the lights.
Heat twined low in my belly as he busted out of his chains of control that kept him from truly being a beast, even without entirely transforming. The Infernal Sol’s power wasn’t needed to help, but the amulet was awake now, enjoying the lure of Fane’s feral side.
Duke led another charge toward the demon shifter with the other two behind him. Fane’s talons arched through the air, slicing into Duke’s throat.
Fane didn’t stop there.
He gripped the dux demon’s jaw and ripped his head off with his bare hands, tossing it aside. Duke fell forward, splattering black blood across the stone ground.
The COs leaning over the balcony went wild, most pumping their fists. Yellow-eyes was the next demon to fall as Fane tore into his throat with his teeth and then used his claws to decapitate him.
Instead of waiting for the last prisoner to charge, Fane stomped in his direction as his opponent stumbled to the edge of the circle.
“No getting away.” A high demon CO shoved the inmate back. “Accept your fate, prisoner.”
A twisted smile curved Fane’s mouth as black blood covered his teeth and dripped down his chin. “Not so cocky now, are you?”
The sight would have terrified a normal person. Obviously, I wasn’t normal, and the flames converging over my flesh could attest to that. Fane Maverick had me under a spell, and the beastly part of him always called to me.
“I’m not going down, Maverick.” As fear pumped from the demon, he lifted his knife with a shaky hand. “I’ll be the one to walk away from the fight.”
“No, you won’t.” Fane ate up the distance between them with his long, powerful legs and crushed his fist into the prisoner’s face before he could make a move.
The crunch of bone reverberated, and blood sprayed the ground, sending the crowd into a frenzy. The demon staggered back, dazed by the hit, and the knife fell from his hand. His gaze lifted to Fane as he loomed over him like a tidal wave about to crash down and pulverize every one of his bones.
“You’ll be back in this ring soon, Maverick. And one day, someone will beat you.”
Fane leered. “I will be back, and I’ll be walking out every time.” His talons carved into the demon’s throat, and gurgling sounds erupted as his life neared the end. Fane tore his head off to put him out of his misery.
Cheers exploded through the room, and demon money changed hands as the winners who bet on Fane were paid. A few other prisoners were shoved forward to collect the body parts, tossing them into a laundry bin on wheels.
Fane’s intense stare seared me, and I approached him, drawn in like a magnet. The sight of him covered in blood, his beast out, and throbbing with primal energy stirred the darkness within me.
My beautiful beast.
His nostrils flared, and he leaned into my touch as I stroked his cheek. “You feel it now, don’t you?”
“The Infernal Sol is no longer napping.” I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Sure, it would be nice to rip that smug look off of Sorin next time he threatened me, but I also didn’t want to lose myself in the powerful amulet.
Fane nodded. “My dark side has always called to yours.”
And mine always answered back.