Page 27 of Savage Hunt

Once I was secured, Tajeed opened the door, and they held me between them. “You’re getting a new cell.”

Cold fear slinked down my spine as I pictured those stacked cages reeking of filth and anguish. “The cavern?”

Vankis’s laughter pounded against my skull like an invisible hammer. “You should see your face. So scared.”

I bit my tongue against the insults I wanted to hurl at him. It would only get me beat with the stick dangling from his belt.

“You’re not going there.” Tajeed’s ebony horns were so large his neck muscles had to be powerful to hold up his head. “The warden has decided to give you a cellmate.”

“Cellmate?” My heart dropped to the bottom of my boots, and my breath quickened. The warden might have helped me escape Sorin’s violence twice, but that didn’t mean he was a kind, forgiving demon. Plus, he wanted to know Ruin’s plans, and I refused to tell him. Venna wasn’t getting anywhere with me either. Maybe Demarcus really was allowing her to torment me for his sake.

But when the COs stopped at my new cell and the nightworlder stretched out on the top bunk peered over, dread coiled through my limbs. This was even worse.

Maddie unleashed a wide grin as she sat up. “When they told me I was getting a new cellmate, I figured it would be another prick.”

That made my fears solidify. The warden put us together for a reason, and it wasn’t anything good. Could Princess Venna have requested this arrangement to fuck with me?

Vankis opened the cell door, and Tajeed shoved me inside where a blanket and flat pillow were rolled on the bottom cot. I got a pillow? I didn’t have one in my other cell.

“Don’t mess this up, prisoner 487331,” Tajeed said while waiting for me to place my hands through the hole. “If you keep your mouth shut, head low, and eyes peeled, you might survive in this place.”

Vankis snorted. “She won’t do any of that. She has troublemaker written all over her.”

“I think Venna has other plans for me that don’t include any kind of peace.”

Tajeed shrugged and unlocked the cuffs from my wrists. “Still, it might be better than getting your ass kicked or threatened by every other inmate.”

After Vankis and Tajeed left, I crawled onto the bottom cot and slung the blanket over me, wishing I could see Fane again. Touching him for real had been like a soothing balm to all the aches and pains in my body and mind.

“Isn’t this great?”

I lowered the blanket to my chin to find Maddie leaning over the edge, her long midnight locks hanging around her face. “I’ve never had a cellmate that didn’t want to murder me in my sleep.”

My eyebrows knit. “Who said I didn’t want to murder you?”

She scoffed. “It’s pretty obvious you don’t hate me. We totally kicked ass in the cafeteria together. Once a raven, always a raven.” She gave a conspiratorial wink.

“We’re not going to be friends.” That would only get her killed.

Maddie shrugged and vanished from my sight, the rickety bed frame creaking as she settled down. “Allies then. I watch your back while you watch mine. It’s a win-win, Tate.”

It would be a lose-lose for Maddie like everyone else that got close to me. She would either die or end up hating me like Hawk.

The scent of chlorine and liquor choked me as sweaty hands dragged over my flesh. My insides twisted, and the toast I’d eaten earlier threatened to shoot back up. The tremors running through me excited him even more.

“You were always my favorite, Tate.” Mr. Bowden brushed the hair back from my neck, his chubby fingers making my skin crawl. “Those other girls were just a distraction.”

My gaze flicked to the exterior pool house door where his wife and the other kids were only a few feet away outside. If I could just get to the door?—

He grabbed my jaw and forced me to look at him. “Don’t worry about them, sweetheart.” The lust in his eyes thickened as he smiled, bunching up his ruddy cheeks. “They won’t bother us.”

I wanted to run or hit him, but my feet were glued to the ground, frozen as he violated me. Like a prisoner trapped in a cage of fear’s making, I couldn’t do anything except let it happen.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as my lips wobbled. Somehow, I knew he’d like it if I sobbed.

“I’m so glad you finally wore one of my gifts.” Mr. Bowden tugged on the strap of the bikini top he tossed on my bed this morning. He’d give it to one of the younger girls if I didn't wear it this time. “Your body is so beautiful. You should be proud I want to admire it.”

Acid shot up my throat, and I choked it back down before I hurled all over his fat, hairy gut.