A wave of intense pleasure crashed over me, and I screamed his name as my orgasm hit. Fane powered into me a dozen more times, extending each ripple of bliss that unfurled until he roared. His own release came, and his movements became jerky and unsteady.
He kissed me, a clash of teeth, tongue, and lips as we floated down from the rollercoaster. His hands caressed my breasts and belly, such a contrast to the brutality he unleashed a moment ago.
“Are you okay, Tate?” he whispered in my ear, kissing it.
My arms wrapped around his back. “Better than okay.” Sex with Fane was even explosive in our incorporeal forms. I wouldn’t be surprised if bruises formed on my body in my cell. Fane and I didn’t have sex like normal people because we weren’t normal, and we craved dark, dangerous, and violent things.
“Do you want more?” Fane licked my neck, and I shuddered. “Or do you need a minute?”
I raked my nails down his back, spilling blood. “More.”
Fane didn’t waste any time, and he grabbed my hips, lifting me from the stairs. “I don’t know why I even bother to ask.”
“I don’t know either because—” My words cut off in a gasp as he brought me down on his hard length, filling me to the hilt. The cold, rough stone wall dug into my back as he shoved me against it. “Fane!”
His mouth covered mine, stealing my moan as he took me against the wall like a feral beast.
After Fane and I practically tore each other apart a few more times, he spread out our scraps of clothes and laid me on them while he took the cold floor, even after my protests.
He tucked me against him and stroked his fingers up and down my back as we soaked each other’s presence in now that we’d finally satiated our lust. For a while, anyway.
“I’ve been gathering intel about the lay of the prison.” Fane tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. “The exits are guarded at all times, so our best bet of escape would be to create a distraction.”
I lifted my head from his chest, turned, and rested my chin on it. “How did Ruin get your mother out?” The high demon lord had gotten Kesandra out in exchange for me—or the Infernal Sol. He could do it again.
“My mother was easier because no one paid her much attention.” He winced. “We, on the other hand, don’t have that luxury. Every fucker in this place knows who I am, and thanks to that bullshit in the cafeteria and how I reacted, everyone knows we’re connected.”
“Most of them already knew who I was within a few hours of joining gen pop.” I chewed on my bottom lip. “Sorin didn’t take it well when I snubbed him, so he spread the word to make my life hell.”
His eyes narrowed. “If the guards allow me near him without the muzzle and those chains, he’s a fucking dead demon.”
My fingers absentmindedly traced the tattoos and scars on his torso. “Don’t do anything to get yourself killed, Maverick.”
He scoffed. “I’m not going to die here. Trust me.” His brows dipped, and hard lines cut into his face. “Hopefully, Ruin is working on a plan to get us out because I’m not sure how much longer I can sit in this hellhole while they torture you.”
“Aren’t they torturing you?” I ran my thumb over his forehead to smooth out the lines.
“Yes, but yours is worse.” He swallowed hard, and his pupils thinned again as anger unfurled around him. “Venna records your torture and makes me watch it.”
My lips pressed into a tight line, and I rolled off him. “I’m going to kill her.”
“Not if I do it first.” He ran his hand down my ribs, resting it on the black sun tattoo. “You haven’t felt much of the amulet?”
I shook my head, not even bothering to ask how he knew. Our bond might have been muted, but he was so in tune with me it was terrifying. “It’s been dormant since we arrived at Heldrok.” My flesh puckered as his rough fingers traced the swirling lines. “It must have something to do with the power-dampening sigil. That’s the only explanation.”
“That has to be it.” He gently brushed his hand over the raised black mark on my arm, the same one stamping his. “I wasn’t sure if it would affect the amulet.”
“Maybe it’s a good thing. I’d been relying on it too much to get me out of dangerous situations.”
“I’d rather you use its power to survive.” The tiny muscles in his jaw feathered, probably thinking of all my recent close calls. “I can always bring you back.”
“Can you?” I challenged. “I let it take control of me at Ruin’s when we were fighting Venna’s henchmen, and I’d definitely taken a dive off the deep end into a big pool of crazy.” While we journeyed to Heldrok, I told Fane how I’d plucked out Furic’s fears and made him relive them. And how much I’d enjoyed it.
He ran his thumb across my cheekbone. “You found your way back, didn’t you?”
Only because I’d felt his panic once Venna brought in his mother. “Your reaction to seeing your mom at that bitch’s mercy had cut through the darkness and forced me back into the driver’s seat.”
A ghost of a smile twitched Fane’s lips. “Like I said, Teague, I’ll bring you back.” He kissed me and then leaned his forehead against mine. “We just need to get out of this prison first, and then we’ll deal with the Infernal Sol.”