“Did you really think I’d sit by and watch you get attacked?” Fane’s lips crashed on mine in an all-consuming, devouring kiss.
I whimpered as his tongue swept into my mouth, shooting blood and lust through my veins. His fingers dug into my back while his other hand pulled my hair, burning my scalp.
Being with him felt like fucking heaven.
“Fiera mika, I missed your taste.”
My hips tilted, pressing into his hard length. I’d let him throw me down on a table and screw me in front of everyone. I didn’t care one iota.
Too soon, we were yanked apart, my body screaming at the loss. Five guards held him, trying to get him in the chains as quickly as possible. A CO grabbed me from behind and crushed my face into a table.
Pain throbbed in my temple, and another booming rumble tore through the cafeteria.
“Let her go, or I will rip your spine out.” Fane’s low, deadly voice lifted the hairs on my arms.
“I will not be given demands by an inmate,” Gershan sneered. “This is Heldrok, not?—”
“Shut the fuck up, Gershan, and let her go.” One of the guards yelled as they attempted to contain Fane.
“I’ll let you chain me without a fight if you release her,” Fane said.
Gershan finally relented and pulled me from the table. I staggered to the side and tried to go to Fane, but the guard hauled me back. He slipped handcuffs around my wrists and locked them behind me.
Maddie leaned against a table and wiped blood from under her nose as she did a terrible job of masking a grin. Any idiot could tell a whole lot was going on between Fane and me.
“She’s not hurt, Fane.” One of the guards fighting to restrain him, a fae, wiped his sweaty forehead. “Now cooperate. Please.”
Fane released an annoyed sigh and finally let them chain him.
“It was worth it, Maverick,” I said into his mind, still pulsating from that kiss.
“This won’t be the last time.” His voice was like a caress. “I’ll figure out a way to see you.” They finally replaced the muzzle on his mouth and towed him from the room.
Gershan shook his head. “You are nothing but trouble.”
I rolled my eyes. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
A grin curved his mouth, and he leaned toward me. “Maybe a little torture will help rid you of that problem.”
The shallow cut in my arm dripped blood onto the floor as I sat strapped to a chair in a torture room, the stench of death clogging the air. How many prisoners had taken their last breath in this wretched place?
Two guards, Gershan and a female witch named Leiana, took turns trying to make me scream. They’d unbuttoned and rolled down the top half of my orange jumpsuit to expose more flesh to play with.
“She really isn’t a screamer.” Leiana frowned. “Kind of takes the fun out of it if they don’t react.”
“You could try using a few spells.” Gershan scratched his chin with his sharp nails. “That’s not against the rules.”
A dry laugh burst out of my mouth. “I’m a hard nut to crack.”
Gershan narrowed his yellow eyes, but before he could deliver an insult, there was a knock at the door. He marched over and opened it, low voices whispering. His laughter sent chills down my nape, and when he turned to look at me, I only grew colder.
“I know what will get you to scream, 487331.” He opened the door to allow an inmate in a blue jumpsuit inside, the sallow lights glowing on his inked and scarred head.
“Hello, Tate.” Sorin licked his lips as his gaze raked over me, peeling back my layers and trying to devour my soul.
My wrists strained against the leather binds strapping them to the arms of the chair. “What are you doing here?”