“He didn’t even end it like a decent human being. He thanked me. He thanked me for being such a grand experiment and for teaching him so much. Thanked me.” My heart pounds in my chest and I feel the fury building inside of me just talking about this. It’s been years. I need to let go.
“Were you in love with him?”
“I never said those words, thank God, but I had strong feelings for him, that’s for sure. That’s when I swore off straight men.”
“You know, we don’t all have ulterior motives like that.” TJ squeezes me with his leg.
I nod. “I know…but…your reputation and being a professional athlete…well…didn’t seem like you would want more than just fooling around, either.” I face him for the first time since we started talking about Lawrence.
“So many women and now you’re bored…you know.” I smile and try to make the statement more lighthearted than it feels in my chest.
TJ laughs. “Davey said the same thing about my desire for you when he tried to discourage me.”
“Am I wrong?”
“No, you aren’t, at least not at the start. But in my mind, I wasn’t out for just a one-time fling. You genuinely intrigued me…and then the elevator ride obviously changed everything.”
He gets quiet for a moment. The thought of Lawrence and even relaying that mild version of our affair has my blood simmering. That little piece of the story doesn’t seem to reveal enough of it to make my angst understandable. But it seems to be enough to satisfy TJ for now. And that simmer increased at TJ’s admission that he was bored with women when he set his sights on me.
“Where does Fynn fit into this?”
“Into what?” Again with Fynn.
“Your life.”
“He’s a friend.”
“You both keep saying that. A friend you fuck. A friend who fucks you.” Another sign they talked about our relationship.
“No, I fuck him…he’s a bottom. He’s a sub for me. He gets to blow me…not fuck me.”
“That sounds cold and unfeeling.”
“It’s not.” I can’t help but smile a bit. “It’s what we do, the relationship we have. But if I have you, what I have with him stops instantly.”
“Is that what he wants?”
“It’s the way it works.”
“What if he still wants you?”
“It won’t matter what he wants.” And that sounds very cold. “He wants no more from me than what we have. He has someone else.”
“Who is it?” TJ pulls away from me now and sits all the way up.
Against my better judgement, I answer. “The bartender, Derek.”
He doesn’t respond. He doesn’t look at me either. If he doesn’t want to share me with Fynn, then Fynn having someone else should make him feel better, not worse.
“I like him,” he says, not looking at me. He turns and faces me. “Fynn. I like him. A lot.”
“TJ, I’m not sure what you are getting at here.”
“Well, I was going to say I don’t want to share you with anyone…except Fynn, and then only when I’m around. But I don’t want to share him either.”
Well, knock me over with a damn feather. He wants a threesome. But the way he is saying this…I increase my distance from him and his leg finally releases its hold on mine.
“TJ, you aren’t just talking about an occasional threesome at the club, are you?”