Page 19 of Dare to Trust

“Well, isn’t everyone,” Analisa says. “That’s exciting though. People have been raving about the anthems you performed in Calgary. I watched it on YouTube several times. That was extraordinary, honey.”

“Yeah, it was pretty cool,” Nandy says, tearing his eyes from the TV and not missing the opportunity to glare at me before joining us at the table.

“How are things at the club?” She asks.

“Good,” Nandy answers.

“You guys should come have a drink sometime. The bar looks amazing with its redesign. The addition of the stage was a smart move. Sometimes, I’ve even been known to get up and sing. And if you were there, I for sure would.”

Peter just smiles and shakes his head.

“And you know you can use a private room whenever you want, maybe some role playing.” I wink at her and her cheeks flush.

“Fynn!” Nandy scolds me.

“Oh, come on. It’s not like they don’t know what goes on there. And why not be able to come let loose and have a little fun?”

I also know in a million years they will never take me up on the invite. But I love that they ask. Love that they care. Love that we don’t have to lie about what goes on there. There is no shame in what we do there. And these beautiful people have never made Nandy or me feel shame for anything. Ever. I just wish they could get through to their No. 1 son. Make him take time off. Make him acknowledge his feelings for TJ. Make him take back control of his life.

He’s not only lying to them now. He’s lying to himself.

I will insert myself into the middle of things a lot. I’ll stir the pot. I’ll make conversations happen when I feel the need. But, I won’t overstep, if I can help it.

Nandy won’t look at me when we get into the car. He hasn’t looked at me for the last thirty minutes. Peter and Analisa were gently trying to encourage him to take a break. To come hang out at the house with them. Play the piano. Or how about playing nothing musical at all? And as he always does, he deflected.

“Why won’t you tell them?”

“Tell them what?”

“Tell them you’re fried. Tell them you can’t keep up this pace anymore. Tell them this is Randall’s dream now, not yours. Fire him.”

“I can’t.”


He doesn’t answer.

“Are you afraid of pissing him off? So what? You aren’t his only client. You’ve made him a shit-ton of money. I think he will be fine. Plus, he’s an asshole, Nan. You deserve better.”

“What do I do without him? How do I manage all this crap?”

“Well, you get rid of a lot of the crap to begin with. You find a new manager with your vision. Have you told anyone else what that vision is?”

He shakes his head.

“Not even TJ?”

He shakes his head again and still doesn’t look my way. “Why? What are you afraid of?”

He doesn’t answer immediately.

“Everything,” he finally says. “Everything.”

I sigh and look out the window as the brown fields whoosh past and the city lights come into view. “Drop me at the club.”

Chapter twelve

I don’t ask Nandy to join me, nor does he offer. I need a distraction tonight he can’t provide.