“No video in the bedroom?” he scribbled and grinned at me. That sweet devilish grin. That unexpected playfulness that still surprises me. He motioned me to him with an index finger. I reached for my phone and turned the music up a touch and complied with his request running my hands up under his shirt, desperate for the feel of his skin.
Laughing quietly, we tugged frantically at each other’s jeans. His eyes widened when he felt how wet I was.
“I’ve been ready since you walked in the door,” I breathed against his neck as I literally crawled up into his arms. “Please don’t make me wait any longer.” I could barely stifle the moan as he pushed inside of me, pressing my back hard against the wall. I squealed slightly, no longer caring what the boys outside heard.
My hands clutched at his hair, his name on the tip of my tongue. “Shhh,” he purred against my skin, his lips curving into a smile against my neck, his lips crashing to mine just as I exploded around him, his name lost in the depths of his throat.
I woke to the early morning sun shining brilliantly through the open blinds and Farid’s soft breathing next to me. Stretching out my legs, they protested with stiffness and fatigue. I grinned at the slight soreness between my legs.
I sat up on my elbow and let my free hand travel across his chest, down his stomach, across his torso and down the side of his hip trying to burn the feel of his smooth skin into my fingers. Gently pressing my lips against his nipple, circling it with my tongue, my hunger for him never ending. He moaned gently, content to let me play, explore, work him up to whatever level of frenzy I desired.
“I can’t seem to get enough,” I whispered, reaching across him to press play on the music on my phone.
“By all means, let’s keep trying,” he chuckled, flipping me over, caging me in with his elbows, and opening me up with his knees. We made love slowly, gently and finally quietly. His eyes filling my heart with love and also the dull ache of an ending.
“I’m a better man with you and because of you, please always remember this version of me,” his hands stroked hair from my face.
“It’s the only version I know,” I ran my hands across his face and he captured them in his, planting kisses on my palm.
“My heart and soul will always be with you, always. Know that this, everything you and I shared, every touch, every kiss, every smile, this was, is and always will be everything to me.”
My vision blurred with tears. “This sounds an awful lot like good bye.”
“You and I both know my fate in this world. I don’t want to leave anything unsaid. I don’t ever want you to doubt or question my love for you. No regrets.”
“No regrets,” I choked. “I cherish all of it, and you, for the rest of my life.”
He pressed his lips softly to mine, lingering, waiting, holding the memory of the moment.
I smiled against his lips. “Let’s go get coffee, I’m tired of all this whispering and background noise.”