Page 12 of Mine to Take



Weeks of drone footage had turned up nothing unusual about the compound we had come across, not unreasonably far from where Kirsten and Chaz had supposedly disappeared.

An influx of arms in large but not alarming quantities was enough to keep it on our radar, but I wasn’t interested in weapons. I wanted a sign, any sign, any single ray of hope that she was alive.

I watched annoyed at the relaxed everyday life occurring inside the walls. Kids played soccer, dogs chased them. People strolled about, enjoying the sunshine, now cool enough to stroll about in.

A few weeks ago a couple showed up. Not unusual.

But there was something about the way she moved. And she looped her finger into his as they walked. Not a display of affection I’d noticed out of anyone else. I sighed chalking it up to wishful thinking on my part. Desperate for it to be her, even if she was holding hands with a terrorist.

“Max,” Frank stuck his head in the door.

I turned at the excitement in his voice.

“We just got a call from Tehran…you aren’t fucking going to believe this.”