Page 85 of She Saw What He Did

Something jars in my brain. Something vaguely familiar but I can’t work out what it is.

‘Listen to me,’ he continues. ‘You’re going to deliver that box. I’ll send you instructions. Trust me when I say that if you don’t do exactly as I tell you then I can’t guarantee your daughter’s or the old lady’s safety.’

‘But I thought …’

‘Just fucking listen, you stupid bitch.’

I reel from the venom in his voice. There it is again. That jolt of familiarity. What is it?

‘I’m sorry,’ I say, trying to appease him. ‘I’m just worried about Sam.’

‘Just do as you’re told. I’ll be in touch with arrangements.’

The line goes dead, and I slam my hand down on the kitchen table.

‘Damn him to hell,’ I shout.

I could kill him. Please God when he releases them I’ll kill the bastard. I then realise what it was. The familiarity I felt. It was his voice. I recognised it, but from where?

Chapter Fifty-One

Ellen tried Abby Miller’s phone again. This time she answered but her voice sounded strained and tired.

‘Abby, it’s Sergeant Ellen Burden.’

‘Yes,’ said Abby, and Ellen immediately got the impression that her voice was the last one Abby Miller wanted to hear.

‘I hope all is well with your mother-in-law,’ said Ellen kindly.

‘What?’ Abby said sharply.

‘Your husband said you were waiting for an important call regarding your mother-in-law?’

Ellen thought she heard a sharp intake of breath at the other end of the line.

‘Oh yes.’

‘I hope this isn’t a bad time to speak to you. I can call again tomorrow if it is?’

‘It’s fine,’ said Abby, but her tone implied it wasn’t fine at all and Ellen felt she should hang up.

‘We’ve identified the body that was washed up on Newlyn Beach.’

Abby was silent.

‘We’re waiting for official ID,’ continued Ellen. ‘We believe it to be a Ukrainian man by the name of Artem Taris. Did you know him?’

‘Should I have known him?’ Abby asked bluntly.

‘I have to ask,’ said Ellen, feeling she was defending herself. ‘I’ll be in Fernsea tomorrow, probably in the afternoon.’

Ellen thought she heard another heavy sigh.

‘Will you be around for me to visit you? I’ve a few more questions.’

‘Hold on,’ said Abby.

There was the sound of muffled talking in the background and Ellen struggled to hear what was being said, but Abby clearly had her hand over the mouthpiece.