Page 76 of She Saw What He Did

Ellen clicked on the kettle and said,

‘So, what’s been happening?’

‘Not much. Lionel Crawford reported his bike stolen, but it turned out he’d left it at the pub. He was too pissed to remember it. What else? Oh yeah, a couple came in to have a look around. They thought the station was quaint and their daughter asked if she could have the owl,’ he pointed to the fluffy toy on top of a filing cabinet. ‘I said no as it was evidence in a murder investigation. Any news on that?’

Ellen looked at the owl and then poured milk into her coffee.

‘She could have had it, I suppose. Apparently the Millers left it as their geocache contribution.’

‘Is the geocache empty now then?’ asked Scott, yawning.

‘What do you mean?’ asked Ellen, unwrapping a KitKat. She’d skipped breakfast but now her stomach was complaining.

‘Well, there won’t be anything at that geocache point will there? We ought to put it back. Otherwise people geocaching will be a bit put out to find nothing there.’

Ellen looked at him.

‘What? Now what have I said?’ he asked, frowning.

Of course, why hadn’t she thought about the geocache before?

‘Why would the murderer go to the geocache?’ she asked.

‘I don’t know. Did he go there?’

‘Someone threw the owl,’ she said thoughtfully.

Scott shrugged.

‘Maybe he was expecting a nicer treasure,’ he smiled.

Their eyes met.

‘No,’ said Scott, in a disbelieving voice. ‘You don’t think the murderer was there for the geocache, do you?’

‘Or there for something near the geocache,’ said Ellen, her mouth growing dry.

‘We should check it out,’ said Scott, standing up and grabbing the owl. ‘This is the most excitement we’ll ever have.’

Ellen took a sip of her coffee and followed him.

‘So, what was the geocache that the Millers got?’ he asked curiously.

Ellen locked the station doors.

‘I’ve got no idea. I never thought to ask.’

‘Ah, that could be the key to everything,’ laughed Scott.

Ellen didn’t laugh with him. For once she thought that Scott might actually be onto something.

Chapter Forty-Seven

Scott scrolled into his phone and said with confidence,

‘There are three geocaches on Laslow. One is by the lighthouse and the other is on the beach so …’

‘How do you know all this?’ asked Ellen curiously.